Example sentences of "be [verb] to be [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 One of the changes introduced since the consultation period on the SAS 's exposure draft , published in May 1992 , is a distinction between an inherent uncertainty which may be expected to be resolved at a future date and one which exists because evidence does or did exist but is not available to the auditors and so arises because of a limitation in the auditors ' work .
2 Thirdly , he may provide that for the purposes of the rent review under the headlease , the sublet property shall be deemed to be let at a rack rent .
3 This was forgotten by the draftsman in British Railways Board v Elgar House Ltd ( 1969 ) 209 EG 1313 , where it was nevertheless held that for the purposes of the rent calculation parts of the demised property occupied by the headtenant should be deemed to be let at a rack rent .
4 The visitors could be seen to be bewitched at the learning about the cathedral coming out of such callow lips .
5 Whereas for Horvath and Sankoff ( as noted above ) the linguistic variables are ‘ well defined ’ , this is not so in a dialect-divergent community : in such a community few of the linguistic variables can be said to be defined at all .
6 Very ordinary people ( or at least ordinary men ) could afford to attend a performance of a Shakespeare play in the large Globe Theatre , and appear to have done so , and the same play might be requested to be performed at court .
7 An extension of time for compliance with the order may be required to be given at the time of endorsing the penal notice .
8 Factories may be required to be sited at some distance from residential areas in specially designated industrial zones .
9 Mrs Hawkins suggested that tablecloths — non iron variety — should be purchased to be used at the various functions requiring tables .
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