Example sentences of "be [adv] [vb pp] [conj] it [is] " in BNC.

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1 Some people think that the law of judicial review can not be properly understood unless it is studied against the background of a particular area of governmental activity such as housing or immigration , in order to see how the general rules are use to deal with particular problems .
2 The ownership of archaeological finds depends on the local laws ( in some countries all archaeological artefacts are automatically the property of the state and have to be reported , while in others the finds belong to the owner of the land on which they were found ) , but whatever the ownership , each find needs to be properly recorded if it is to be of any use archaeologically .
3 A scene of high tension can be greatly enhanced if it is preceded by a passage of comedy , as Shakespeare in preparing for Macbeth 's murder of Duncan well knew .
4 A considerable proportion will be greatly improved and it is worth waiting another couple of months to see further improvement before commencing drug therapy .
5 It may be better understood if it is set in the context of Hindu teaching concerning the different orders or āśramas of society corresponding to the different stages of life .
6 Elsewhere , too , there have been significant statements : the Kenya Government Sessional Paper ‘ African Socialism and its Application to Planning in Kenya ’ ( 1965 ) , ’ Seretse Khama 's ‘ Education for a Nation ’ ( 1969 ) , a speech which deserves to be better known than it is , and the statement of the Imbokodvo National Movement in Swaziland ( 1972 ) .
7 All of this should be easily understood when it is realised that the effect of the contract being avoided or frustrated is generally that the parties are no longer required to carry out the contract ; they are excused .
8 This humble mollusc can be unreservedly recommended as it is hardy and lives exclusively on algae .
9 Yet in Britain , ‘ race ’ can not be under stood if it is falsely divorced from other political processes or grasped if it is reduced to the effect of these other relations .
10 Althusser faces this question , but warns that it has to be carefully formulated if it is to illuminate the process of the production of knowledges .
11 The main programming problems are likely to arise in the correct timing of the phase excitation changes ; the program segment responsible for the time delay between Steps must be carefully written if it is to provide accurate timing , as well as perform a useful secondary function .
12 It must however , be carefully controlled because it is essential that a cover of perennial rather than annual grasses is maintained as the latter are more susceptible to drought .
13 A rudderless boat must be perfectly balanced if it is to follow a straight course .
14 The existing arrangements between the Foundation established by Baron Thyssen in Barcelona and the town of Barcelona will also be fully respected and it is hoped that the relationship between the two Foundations will be developed to their mutual advantage .
15 Wiring up the fielder 's l.e.d.s is a bit fiddly because these have to be hard wired and it is necessary to provide some sort of anchorage at each of the indicator positions .
16 It is not within the scope of this book to enter into a detailed explanation of the technique of the horn , but the fact should be firmly grasped that it is based on the possibility of producing by means of varying embouchure the upper partials of the harmonic series derived from a fundamental note , the pitch of which depends on the length of the tube .
17 Nepal 's climbing permits , for example , require an undertaking that rubbish will be adequately disposed but it is rarely enforced .
18 No matter how small the practice may be , it must be financially managed if it is to succeed .
19 It seems to be commonly supposed that it is description rather than theory as such which makes the most direct contribution to language teaching .
20 A battery 's charge-holding capacity can also be seriously reduced if it is kept in a discharged state for more than a few hours .
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