Example sentences of "be [art] [noun sg] for [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is appalling it should be the scene for this attack , ’ he said .
2 From a normativist perspective the Report seemed to be the occasion for less satisfaction .
3 This may be the case for some Multi-Option Facilities .
4 The judge went on to say that this would be the case for any dispute whether of fact or law , and that there was no rule of public policy preventing parties from agreeing to remit a question of law to the exclusive and final jurisdiction of an expert .
5 So , Sir , I have been able to reflect on the inherent good sense of the people of Worcester over the years I have been privileged to be the Member for that constituency .
6 They 've taken some very carefully set-up photographs with a big fucking camera and I suspect — from an aside or two they probably did n't expect me to understand — that these snaps will be the basis for some computer manipulation to see how well I fit the bill .
7 Obviously I welcome any extra options for keeping animals safe and hoof branding will be the answer for some people .
8 There will always be the need for some intercommunication and the appropriate interfaces should be provided .
9 Within the Council , majority voting should be the role for all Community matters .
10 This must be the situation for all North Sea populations in most winters .
11 Is it not unlikely , incredible , that this gold coin , dwarfed by the space that surrounds it , can be the power-house for all life ?
12 By Greenham standards , which must be the yardstick for these things , the camp was minute .
13 ‘ The Institute of Public Relations in its turn is the guardian of ethics and professional standards and membership should be the benchmark for any organisation seeking to employ a public relations practitioner , ’ she said .
14 The plaintiffs also appealed against the decision of taxing master right , er and then appealed on the basis that er there should be no disallowance for any interest at all .
15 There can be no excuse for such remarks .
16 If an abuse is found to exist then , almost by definition , there must be some element of dominance , otherwise there would be no basis for that abuse .
17 However , it is quite feasible for the issuing company to take the risk that the issue will be undersubscribed , or the company can offer the shares at ‘ deep discount ’ to the current market price so that there is little risk that the market price will fall below the subscription price ( in which case there would be no incentive for any investor to buy the new shares ) .
18 There should be no room for this sort of passive interest in the general well being of tennis — especially from the player ranked No. 1 in the world .
19 There will be no charge for this facility and the same payment methods will be available as with a single charge .
20 In institutional care there should be no place for such people .
21 So long as ‘ God 's praise … our pride ’ is the attitude of our hearts , there will be no place for this kind of doubt .
22 A spokeswoman for the Council of Mortgage Lenders said : ‘ Some lenders are imposing bans on all concrete buildings , but once the new test is operational there will be no need for such caution . ’
23 If what Gerald said in his address to Congress yesterday that he knows of no Labour MP who wants to break the links between the Party and the unions were absolutely true then there would be no need for this debate today .
24 Congress , if a few more voters got off their backsides last year and gone out and voted , and voted Labour , there 'd be no need for this motion at all because it 's Labour Party policy anyway .
25 Madam Deputy Speaker , erm there 'll be no need for any pruning from the chair because I had just mentioned the word banks at the very point that you madam speaker , got up and I can assure that er pruning would not be in order .
26 Sounds feasable , I think the official FFL send out weekly stats to the league secretaries , so there would be no need for any research .
27 General Hassan al-Nakib , formerly deputy chief of staff in the Iraqi army , argued there would be no need for any war if Mr Hussein were removed from power .
28 If one were to choose to operate the enterprise under one 's own name there would be no need for any formalities to be observed .
29 I appeal to everybody in the Annadale flats to stand together against these thugs there can be no justification for this murder . ’
30 Silver Reed tell me though that there will soon be a ribber for this machine .
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