Example sentences of "with a [noun] for [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Each child had his or her own particular repertoire with a preference for some actions over others , but with time they changed their repertoire .
2 The menu is simple , with a choice for all courses — Carrot soup , followed by beef in beer , and for dessert a rich chocolate mousse would be typical .
3 His education had also left him with a love for all things English .
4 Finish with a matt pink-toned lipstick applied with a brush for more accuracy and softness .
5 Owing to the Maryan interlude Thomas Sternhold 's version , with a tune for each psalm , had to be first published at Geneva in 1556 .
6 Some of her family and friends who knew that her marriage was unsuccessful may assume that her feelings about her husband 's death could only be those of relief that their life together is over at last and that she is now free to seek a better future for herself ; not realising that if a woman has lived with a man for many years , unless he has treated her with extreme cruelty , and shown her no love at all throughout the whole of their marriage , some kind of bond is bound to have existed between them , and that even if he left her with only a handful of good memories of times they spent together , it is likely that she may want to hold on to them , cherish them , and even build upon them .
7 At that time the old doctrines of the need for democratic control were still strong and an argument arose between those , such as Mr Aneurin Bevan , who favoured total subordination to Parliament ( with a minister for each industry on the lines of the Post Office ) , and those led by Mr Herbert Morrison , who wanted to leave the industries a measure of independence to operate as fully commercial undertakings .
8 The largest intact building , erected beside the small church , was occupied by three resident monks , a lay servant , and a group of men from Berwick , who , under the supervision of a black-robed clerk , were carrying out and setting up before the building a trestle table with a stool for each end , and a couple of benches .
9 I enjoyed ‘ Futility ’ very much as it is poem with a message for all people and like most of Wilfred Owen 's poems it is timeless and has a meaning not only for the first World War but for wars to come .
10 In seven months , he could get the Hopewell back to Virginia , and thence to London , with a request for more men and supplies to plant this colony .
11 What happened at Abbotsfield that summer left her with a distaste for all religions , not just Christianity .
12 Start a Gardener 's Diary , with a page for each month .
13 In fact , had he four Mohammed Ali arms I doubted if he 'd know what to do with a paintbrush , or with a toothbrush for that matter .
14 These requirements are : ( 1 ) filing by the plaintiff of the appropriate documents with the court , which are : ( a ) either a request for the issue of a summons in the appropriate form ( N201 — 204 ) or , if allowed by the court ( Ord 3 , r 3(1A) , the summons itself prepared by the plaintiff together with a copy for each defendant or both ; and ( b ) particulars of claim together with a copy for each defendant .
15 These requirements are : ( 1 ) filing by the plaintiff of the appropriate documents with the court , which are : ( a ) either a request for the issue of a summons in the appropriate form ( N201 — 204 ) or , if allowed by the court ( Ord 3 , r 3(1A) , the summons itself prepared by the plaintiff together with a copy for each defendant or both ; and ( b ) particulars of claim together with a copy for each defendant .
16 Queen 's Bench Masters ' Practice Direction of 25 March , 1988 requires that where an order is made transferring an action from the Queen 's Bench Division to a county court , the party having carriage of the order by himself or his solicitor shall forthwith produce at the Filing Department of the Central Office the order transferring the action and shall file : ( 1 ) a copy of the order transferring the action ; ( 2 ) a statement of the names and addresses of the parties and of their solicitors ; ( 3 ) copies of any pleadings served ; ( 4 ) if he is the plaintiff and has not served a statement of claim , particulars of his claim together with a copy for each defendant ; ( 5 ) if he is the defendant and only a counterclaim is transferred and no counterclaim has been served , particulars of the counterclaim together with a copy for the plaintiff ; ( 6 ) where money has been paid into court , a copy of the notice of payment into court ; ( 7 ) a statement of the index numbers of any affidavits filed .
17 Since the EC imposed its ban on seal pelt imports in 1983 , the Norwegian government has maintained the hunt by paying grants for sealing trips , with a bounty for each seal landed .
18 The book tells the story of one year in the garden , with a chapter for each month .
19 : Forty semantically related word pairs were selected , drawn from Postman and Keppel [ 1970 ] , with a control for each pair [ Evett & humphreys , 1981 ] .
20 A paging system consists of a central control unit together with a pager for each employee .
21 ( 2 ) Provide the Chairman with a note for each item of business , giving him the previous history of the discussion and indicating not the decision but at least the possible decisions that might emerge from the current meeting .
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