Example sentences of "with the [adj] [noun sg] this [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Coming up next here on Radio Oxford is the six o'clock news , but we 'll leave you with the best moment this afternoon here on Radio Oxford .
2 David Macdonald made a series of quota quickies before going on to a larger budget with the striking comedy-thriller This Man is News ( 1938 ) , and Michael Powell built a reputation as a director of energetic quota films before making his mainstream début with Edge of the World ( 1937 ) , about the depopulation of a remote island in the Shetlands .
3 In a talk with the Prime Minister this morning he asked whether I thought too much time of Ministers was taken up by Committees and whether there were too many Committees .
4 The Black Hairstreak was at it 's height hundreds of years ago when this was all Royal Forest.Enthusiasts hope with the right care this King of butterflies wll once again rule the woodlands of Oxfordshire .
5 After attempting last month 's first 8-bars of the 16-bar solo from Linda Ronstadt 's That 'll Be The Day , we 'll crack on with the second half this month .
6 There 's so much fun and fantastic savings with the Daily Mirror this summer .
7 With the risk-neutral agent this problem disappears .
8 In contrast , improvement of gastrointestinal symptoms after specific treatment with ganciclovir is well documented in cytomegalovirus infection which is in accordance with the significant association this agent has with the gastrointestinal symptoms reported here .
9 We used to , we , I used to go when my husband was alive we used to go to erm Devon cos I had a brother living in Devon we used to go there , but er unfortunately I lost him when he was only fifty with a coronary , and so erm , in , cos and after that I lost my husband you see so cos we I 've never been away like that before , not , not since , years ago that was , he 's been gone twenty one years this Christmas sixteenth might be so , I 've not been able to so I , I , I go with the erm , I went with the Red Cross this year the year before last I went erm er , Char Charlie took me away we went to er a chalet we stayed at and er a friend of mine we went there for a week had a week there , that poured of rain every day , this year it poured of rain every day
10 After Paul Stewart had marred his debut by putting through his own goal in Oslo on Wednesday , it was skipper Mark Wright who was left with the red face this time .
11 Today today we 're declaring an interim dividend of one point three three per share er compared with the same period this year er sorry let me start that again .
12 But when he teamed up with Dave Barnetson and Paul Bowers to spend a testing weekend with the Territorial Army this spring , he was taken to the limit .
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