Example sentences of "with its [adj] [noun] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Her features were well-shaped even so early , and the jaw placed finely on the white neck with its blue flush of springing hair .
2 These criticisms seem valid and if NAB is to cope successfully with its daunting task of planning public sector higher education and negotiating with the University Grants Committee , then it would benefit from having more academic expertise and more representation from industry and the professions .
3 While BBC2 was gearing up , the ITA was concerned in 1963 — 4 with its first round of re-franchising , very low-key compared with what was to come .
4 In addition we were treated to several interesting idiosyncrasies of the East Anglian scene , such as the long platform at Cambridge station , with its odd method of working .
5 Even the USA , which in the 1980s still seemed sufficiently vast and dominant to deal with its economic problems without taking any notice of anyone else , at the end of that decade became aware that it ‘ had ceded considerable control over its economy to foreign investors … ( who ) now hold the power to help keep the US economy growing , or to help plunge it into recession ’ ( The Wall Street Journal , December 5 , 1988 , p1 ) .
6 Norway 's suspicions were soon set aside , and the country joined with its two neighbours in setting up a Nordic Council in 1952 .
7 An expert from L'Oréal will talk about what happens to skin as it gets older and explain how to keep up with its changing needs by choosing from the extensive Plénitude range , which helps to combat the signs of ageing .
8 With its current penchant for clamping down on perceived violations of its copyright , AT&T 's Unix System Laboratories Inc is now coming down on Unix Solutions for its use of the Unix logo in its company name .
9 … the Commission will not be judging its performance against local authority spending levels since this would be incompatible with its stated mission of helping authorities to improve returns on their annual investment and , in any case , any cost reductions will not be achieved by the Commission but by members and officers of authorities demonstrating the ‘ will to manage ’ .
10 In practice , the easiest conceptually and to apply , is the risk-adjusted discount rate and consequently may be preferred to the certainty equivalent method with its intermediate stage of producing the equivalent certain cash flow .
11 For this reason , some teachers in special schools have seen the structure of the National Curriculum , with its detailed demands for recording progress , as well matched to their traditions ( Sebba 1990 ) .
12 The administrative structure of Partnerships , with its heavy emphasis on co-ordinating different agencies , would in any case tend to inhibit the unorthodox .
13 Faced with its gravest crisis since coming to power in May , the government on Oct. 28 secured the lifting of the traffic blockade by offering to reduce the price rise to 35 per cent .
14 Gradually a group outlives the formal stage and begins to ‘ take liberties ’ with its own procedures without slipping back into chaos .
15 Each of the questions above is worth exploring , especially because final paragraphs and sentences often fall into one of a number of largely unsatisfactory idioms , each with its own way of dealing with ending less as an opportunity than as an escape .
16 As Becher ( 1981 ) has argued , academic subjects are not neutral , they are ‘ cultures ’ , each with its own way of perceiving and interpreting the world .
17 From the outside , the immediate impression is one of a traditional culture , with its own way of going on , more or less impenetrable to an outsider .
18 For centuries previously the subject was a province variously of law , philosophy , history , and other disciplines , each with its own ways of seeing the world .
19 Every fashion comes with its own set of justifying phrases , and the new mood is no different .
20 The extremely dichotomous nature of this criterion , with its abrupt switch from maximising the objective to complete disinterest , is open to objection , but such criteria have found favour with some modellers .
21 ‘ Monetary discipline ’ and ‘ public credibility ’ , key phrases in this approach , would ensure the most favourable backdrop for the private sector to get on with its proper business of creating and allocating wealth .
22 At the same time , he made a good contribution on the difficulty in which Labour will find itself , if it is ever in government , with its massive plans for overspending .
23 The kitchen is particularly fascinating with its full array of cooking equipment looking much as it must have done in the 18th Century .
24 While still dealing with a steady flow of new applications , the committee has now become more concerned with its main tasks of monitoring compliance with the regulations , and considering whether firms and partners satisfy the requirement of being ‘ fit and proper ’ .
25 George wiped the collar with its short length of tether on his cords .
26 The Security Treaty , with its underlying motive of making Japan a strong ally in the Pacific area , has thus served to reinforce the close ties with the US that were forged during the Occupation period .
27 And they did ; all flattened and crouched , creeping low in the grass ; quite unlike the sprightly reed with its flashy habit of fanning out the long tail to show off white outer tail feathers .
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