Example sentences of "with a [noun sg] [noun] over [art] " in BNC.

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1 The bevel allows cuts of 0°–45° to both right and left , and the machine comes with a Perspex guard over the front of the blade to protect the operator .
2 It was a hunting watch — one of the new ones with a metal cover over the glass .
3 The seam allowances should be neatened , when not covered by a lining , with a machine zig-zag over the raw edges , or by overcasting .
4 He argued in his essay On Liberty that State schools , with a State control over the curriculum , would be simply a means of producing a docile and bien pensant population , moulded in accordance with the wishes of the government of the day .
5 THE Prime Minister scored the luckiest escape of a lifetime last night with a knife-edge victory over the ‘ enemy within ’ of his own party .
6 ‘ All I can say is that it will end with a question mark over the future .
7 On the table was a vase of flowers , a square honeycomb oozing liquid honey from its wax holes onto the dish , three jars of jam , each one a different colour of dark red , and a jug with a muslin cloth over the top .
8 TROUBLED Barnet were yesterday threatened with a winding-up order over an unpaid £15,000 bill for replica kit .
9 Gen. Chaovalit resigned his post ostensibly following a verbal exchange with a Cabinet colleague over the issue of corruption .
10 Remembering always to carry her gas mask , stumbling home through the blackout with only a narrow beam of light from her torch to help her , and going to services in churches lit only by candles with a blackout curtain over the door .
11 Not far away , at the top of Richmond Hill in Surrey , with a line view over the Royal Park on the one side and the valley of the River Thames — below Richmond Terrace — on the other side , charity funds provided a Home for permanently handicapped British Service men .
12 The 60 shops , with a glass roof over the courtyard , have a marketing committee on which he sits .
13 Clad in Bath stone , it is a rather stern house with an oriel window over the front door .
14 On 9 July , Sgt Smith and a colleague were in a dogfight with an enemy aircraft over the North Sea , south-east of Great Yarmouth .
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