Example sentences of "with it [coord] [pers pn] [vb base] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I know I 'm a bitch and I do think Nora had a lot to do with it but I 've often thought that it was — you know — in the genes . ’ '
2 Either you agree with it or you do n't agree with it .
3 They get on with it and they get on with life in the colleges and life may not be wonderful but they deal with it , and in some senses they are exercising what power they have , but what they get fed up with is constantly having to exercise it .
4 And I wanted napkins to go with it and they do n't have the napkins .
5 And I say that because from time to time I 've had lessons completely interrupted by kids taking the ball and running with it and I 've just sat there , it 's been brilliant !
6 Every time I turn around someone else has run off with it and I 've probably walked a good few office miles in its retrieval .
7 so that I could actually enjoy it more this time because it 's in , so much of a blur when you get married the first time that you 're caught up with it and you do n't really see what happens , I would like to get married all over again .
8 Then there 's the lending it out problem , where presumably people say ‘ can I borrow this stuff ’ and they just sort of walk off with it and you do n't know whether you 've got it all back , and you find a few weeks later there 's a lead missing .
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