Example sentences of "with the [noun sg] [prep] [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 She lay in wide-eyed turmoil for a long while , but at last sleep overcame her , and with the return of sleep the dream returned too .
2 A pair of rock crystal goblets engraved with the cipher of Peter the Great .
3 At that time all cases were dealt with through the law courts , the establishment of guilt or innocence , together with the imposition of punishment the prime aims .
4 Hugh Young , fund manager , admitted that with the benefit of hindsight the original launch was not large enough .
5 There it was defeated by 127 to 108 votes ( with ten abstentions ) , but with the benefit of hindsight the size of the opposition showed the way opinion was moving .
6 Salmond had been the recipient of abuse all that day , mainly from Labour for voting with the Government on Maastricht the night before .
7 This recovery has been made necessary because , as we have seen , the rhetorical and historical use of anthropology got so disastrously mixed up in the work of the founders and produced a false picture of the idyllic classless community which was later termed primitive communism and then got further confused with the type of society the Marxists were trying to construct in the future .
8 Then Montini dealt with the order of questions the Council had to answer ( he had already developed this in a letter to Pope John only a week after the Council began ) .
9 But it is appropriate to ask whether the brutal attack on her would have happened if she had been armed with the kind of baton the Home Secretary has banned .
10 But with the act of disobedience the will and the hearts of the human race were unlocked from the inside and the Dark One scuttled in and , like a ‘ thief and a robber ’ , took the world by stealth .
11 With the spread of Christianity the Beltane fires , like so many pagan practices , were ‘ Christianised ’ and were now lit to celebrate the feast of St John .
12 But the more closely historians examine the seventeenth century , the more precedents they find for the innovations associated with the name of Peter the Great .
13 With the mosaic from Stonesfield the effect of a roundel , " with three or four concentric borders , is maintained .
14 With the fall of Singapore the fate of Rangoon seemed sealed and on 19th February I paid my last visit to the Delta , to bring back our missionary nurse and to confer with village clergy and elders and teachers about what should be done if the worst happened .
15 Dysentery among the passengers continued and during the storm almost everyone had been sick , so that with the lack of sanitation the steerage was truly awash .
16 The fact that your copy-writers are so uninformed on this perhaps links up with the lack of information the manufacturers have on the need for their product .
17 Outside , the sun still shone , though with the approach of evening the light had lost some of its force and the room grew dimmer .
18 As with the case of voids the terms of any deemed subletting should be carefully considered by the tenant 's advisers .
19 The packaging of the alarm also indicates that should a vehicle be stolen with the Nightstick in place the manufacturers will pay the owner some compensation .
20 With the passage of time the contribution that these families made to the total genetic diversity of the population became subordinate to the seedling recruits : although the number of seedlings appears to be very small , their contribution to the total number of genetic individuals in the population is clearly significant in determining the number of clones or genets that are present .
21 Because those rules were not written , memory was crucial — and with the passage of time the rules were likely to be further modified , reflecting imperfect recollections of what had been done before .
22 And with the help of Dan the dog , Elgar wrote his eleventh Enigma Variation .
23 That was why Gergiev candidly expressed dissatisfaction with the state of affairs the following evening .
24 With the conduct of hostilities the paramount concern for both the USA and Britain , civil aviation remained a minor issue in the early years of the war .
25 He noted gloomily that when he dined with the King in May the Simpsons were both present , and that when another semi-political dinner party was given in July Mrs Simpson was announced in the Court Circular as being present alone without her husband .
26 Although there have been philosophers — Leibniz is an obvious example — who have tried to reconcile this view with the idea of a pluralist ontology , it is clear that if conjoined with the principle of independence the doctrine of the internality of relations provides a powerful support for the monist thesis .
27 One of the set texts for Advent dealt with the birth of John the Baptist .
28 Although originally adopted mainly by those sympathetic to quantitative approaches to the study of history , with the increase in computer-usage the methodology base has also spread to embrace qualitative analysis and other forms of textual processing ( Information Technology in Humanities Scholarship 1993 ; Teibenbacher 1989 ; Metz 1987 ; Hall and Colson 1991 ) .
29 Did God really care that the Lord 's Anointed , blessed with royal oils on hands , feet and brow , the descendant of St. Margaret with the blood of Edward the Confessor in his veins , had been destroyed , brought low , murdered , tossed off the top of a cliff like a spent leaf blown in the wind ?
30 Still , the film remains a compelling update of Orwell 's — and with the breakdown of Stalinism the notion of the fundamentalist Right as the prime totalitarian threat has a thoroughly contemporary flavour .
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