Example sentences of "be seen [verb] [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The women were to be seen hanging around in the yard talking quietly or trying to wash to get a few more rags to the pawnshop .
2 She moved purposefully away to the group who lay in the darkness under the cypress trees , or sat on the walls and steps of the garden , and began to activate them so that a light dress , or white pair of jeans could be seen jigging about in the night that had suddenly fallen .
3 Yet around the time that Servan-Schreiber was receiving his first royalty cheques , oriental faces could be seen popping up behind the walls at the Isle of Man TT races .
4 The only reliable way to see them was to pass in front of the building and turn left into the road to the cemetery : from that side some of them could be seen craning out of the windows and waving .
5 Nothing would do more to boost Daniele 's status than to be seen showing off on the Corso while his father 's life still hung in the balance .
6 On four other occasions Eubank was to be seen covering up under a hail of blows , but like so much of the 26-year-old from Brighton 's act , it was an illusion .
7 In all of this Ho Chi Minh is to be seen bobbing about like a cork on the tides of international communism , sometimes lost from sight for long periods , surviving life in Stalin 's Russia and the manifest uncertainties of the purges and , when war broke out , still remaining as an experienced if not entirely successful figure in the communist world and a distant although still immanent leader of Vietnamese communism .
8 Normally to be seen driving around in a funereal Daimler — dwarfing the island 's other cars ( including the BMW of Premier Sir John Swan ) — the Governor also dons his uniform and takes to the streets in a horse-drawn landau several times a year .
9 There , suspended just above the domes and minarets of the old city , a perfect silver crescent could be seen shining out over the rooftops .
10 As the shadows lengthen , the men can be seen standing around with a pint of beer in hand , while mothers keep watchful eyes on the kids and catch up on the latest gossip .
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