Example sentences of "be no [noun sg] for [pron] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 It would be no problem for her to make a meal for two , or suggest he bring a take-away , and , prior to this morning , she felt she probably would have agreed to that .
2 In which case there would be no capital for him to start up again other than Tommy 's back pay and a few pounds he 'd managed to save himself .
3 There must also be no opportunity for anyone to claim that you have been given , or are giving , preferential treatment which puts you or others at an advantage , for example , over other organisations who may be tendering for the same work or other colleagues working for the organisation .
4 With that many people playing , it sounds like there 'll be no room for anyone to come in and listen .
5 He was awakened by a seaman who told him that the ship would not be leaving for seven days , and there would be no place for him to hide as timber was being loaded under German supervision .
6 ‘ They are obviously regretting that they let her start the paper round , but there seemed to be no reason for them to object to it . ’
7 But if Alexei said that he was not involved , then probably he was telling the truth , otherwise there would be no reason for him to say anything at all .
8 This may be a simple oversight on the part of the authors of the pamphlet , or it may reflect the thought that since those who attend these colleges would have committed themselves to staying at them until they were 18 ( and such a commitment would be a condition of entry ) , there would be no need for them to take a ‘ school-leaving ’ examination at 16+ .
9 Thank heavens that after tonight there should be no need for them to meet again .
10 " If your wastage rate on these plantations was n't so high , there would be no need for me to supply you with new coolies all the time , " said Lepine sourly .
11 There would be no need for her to go out to work .
12 If you genuinely do n't eat any of the foods that we suggest you test in one of the weeks of Stage II , there will be no need for you to follow the instructions for that week .
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