Example sentences of "be more [adv] [verb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , even if these undesirable side effects of deflation could be disregarded and the progress towards a state of full employment did in fact correspond to the mechanism depicted in Figure 5.3 , exactly the same result could be more expeditiously achieved simply by increasing the nominal money supply .
2 Yet already , with Benjamin the Silversmith , we have noticed a change : he moved around London as often as he did not because life was proving difficult where he was , but because customers or lodgers might be more easily found just round the everlasting corner .
3 The success of complex carbohydrate containing ORS in clinical studies may be more closely related therefore to their very low osmolality relative to standard hypertonic monomer ORS than to the kinetic advantage factor or the increased substrate availability for glucose/sodium cotransport .
4 I sometimes think that if the mutilated bodies of those who have been killed were laid out on the Floor of this Chamber the consequences of the decisions of those who sit here might be more effectively brought home to them .
5 So the time I spend with them would be more profitably employed here in the surgery . ’
6 We think that the educational effort which would be needed for this would be more usefully directed simply to warning people against follow-on credit .
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