Example sentences of "be the [adj] [noun] for you " in BNC.

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1 But that 'd be the tidiest thing for you .
2 ‘ And what would be the best happening for you ? ’
3 Soon after your arrival you 're interviewed and put on what 's called ‘ house assessment ’ — house cleaning for the first five weeks — whilst the screws work out what would be the best work for you .
4 I 'm here purely to find out , you want to buy this council house and and and I 'm here purely to find out your circumstances and and what would be the best deal for you .
5 You may be a sign that avoids deep , dark and passionate waters but often what you most fear turns out to be the best thing for you .
6 Let me just it 's nothing special , it 's only a circle , but if you were to take that for a , as , as an example if you like as a picture of God 's purposes for us , you see the circle is , is , geometrical it 's , it 's , it 's perfect , there is nothing that is odd about it , there is nothing er , there 's no difference about it , it is perfect and that was God 's purpose and God 's plan for you and for me , that our , that our time , our being should be perfect in , in harmony with him , you think of all the things in your life personally , and then think of all the things in the , in the life of your com of our community , those things that mar it , those things that spoil it , those things that stop today be the perfect day for you that 's not God 's purpose for you they 've all come as a product , a direct result of sin , it was n't how God intended it , it was n't how God made it , his plan , his purpose for you and for me was to live and to dwell together with him in perfect harmony for ever , and there
7 Erm three things we 're gon na decide today whether you and I think that is gon na be the right platform for you .
8 ‘ Do your own thing ’ is excellent advice in dieting because ‘ your own thing ’ tends to be the easiest thing for you , and the diet method that is easy is the one you will succeed in keeping to .
9 Right : If you have a big family , or entertain frequently , Ariston 's new 14-place setting freestanding Supersilent LS1084 would be the ideal machine for you .
10 There will , of course , be the answering machine for you to make use of — Please do leave a message or at least your name .
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