Example sentences of "with [pers pn] [coord] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 How dare he speculate on the subject , then write his conclusions on a document I must carry round with me and display for a month ?
2 But my dogs have always , much rather come shopping with me and sit in the , .
3 She said , ‘ Every year I end up taking a pair of rubber gloves with me and looking after the children , and every year I end up coming home feeling exhausted .
4 Come down with me and dance at the Casablanca Club .
5 ‘ I thought to myself , Martha must be growing up now , it 's time she left the country and came to live with me and go to a good school . ’
6 Will you do me one to take home with me and put on the wall ? ’
7 Miss Evans did n't eat with them but stood by the table like a waitress in a restaurant , taking the plates to the sink as soon as they 'd cleared them and sweeping up crumbs round their chairs before they had finished drinking their milk .
8 She could relax with them and pretend for a while that she was still one of them .
9 A lot of teachers jump to conclusions about pupils before they 've even come into contact with them and broken through the pupil 's resentment .
10 All the children who were living far away , they brought a sandwich and a flask with them and eating in the desk in the classroom .
11 He 'll sit there on the floor with them and play with the magnets .
12 True , it had taken her several minutes to decide whether the keys should be bunched or splayed but she had ceased fidgeting with them and settled into an abnormal quietude .
13 There were the Lucas boys with their model railway , there were a couple of evacuees with their mothers , there was a German Jewess refugee with her adopted child , there was a friend who lived with them and helped at a school and her children were in and out a lot .
14 To prevent starvation on more plebeian trains , passengers had to take all their food with them or leap from the train the moment it drew into a station and rush for the buffet .
15 ‘ Can I sit with you and sunbathe for a while ?
16 But would n't it have been a good idea to ask a relative or neighbour to go with her or to look after the children who were not going to receive attention ?
17 Perhaps she might stay in Southwark and agree to go for a walk , or at least sit and share a goblet of wine with him and gossip about the past .
18 Sometimes my brothers and I were allowed to get out of the car with him and peek at the movie in progress while he spoke to the manager or cashier .
19 He did n't advise but just stood there , nodding his head vaguely and smiling to himself while his hands — almost involuntarily — went through the motions of twisting the spindle he 'd brought with him and winding on the wool .
20 ‘ I had great difficulty coming to terms with it and adjusting to the problem .
21 You have the choice of either trying to minimise the effect or going with it and rejoicing in the exotic feel of a semi-desert in your back yard .
22 At one time we would have to hire a man in for a month , eating with us but sleeping in the barn .
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