Example sentences of "with [adj] [noun sg] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In a core with low density the distinguishable electron quantum states are closely spaced in a momentum so that the degenerate electron gas is non-relativistic .
2 If this friendly attitude is followed up with prompt service the good impression is stamped even deeper .
3 Here Is a watercolourist who in " Walton , early morning " can approach the exquisite gentleness of Chinese work and then , in " Pennine landscape " can set down with masterful boldness the rugged majesty of moor and sky .
4 In an interview with French radio the following day he said that " we must not forget that this government has a lifespan which may be limited by the national sovereign conference " [ see below ] .
5 The monastic chroniclers especially recorded with high indignation the resolute enforcement of the Forest jurisdiction over clerical offenders .
6 With free trade the European community is becoming a strong force and we want to be a part of it ’ , says Nereaux-Weber .
7 They watched with grave concern the formidable ascent of U2 .
8 When Nizan highlights the technically advantageous position of the writer who portrays a society of stability , and at the same time stresses the desirability and the necessity for the contemporary writer to engage fully in a portrayal of the political instability of post-1914 French society in its turbulent actuality , he locates with unerring precision the revolutionary writer 's primary dilemma .
9 With astonishing rapidity the sick man-gathered the threads of the battle into his hands .
10 Gary could remember with utter clarity the first time that some other kids had called him a Spade .
11 Does he accept that the Government are reducing to fewer than 300 ships the number of vessels that now sail under the red ensign and that they have treated with utter contempt the red ensign , which has served this country well in times of peace and war ?
12 The storm that struck Marian , Allen and their captors as they crossed towards the dark Tower struck with equal ferocity the greater part of England .
13 Stan may well discover more rare and precious fossils but with current funding the Scottish Museum would never afford to buy them all .
14 ( Stevenson 1975 ) The position is that the members of this association view with deep dismay the continuing spread in area and operations relating to criminal litigation of all London neighbourhood law centres …
15 With great sadness the recent death of Audrey Bartlett was reported and condolences were expressed by all former colleagues .
16 The food was not particularly appetising — I remember with especial distaste the packeted pastry fruit pies which we called ‘ cardboard tarts ’ — but then , few expected delectable food in wartime .
17 The sale could raise more than £4000m , with medical research the likely beneficiary .
18 With strophic song the musical form is very much governed by the poetic form .
19 However , in patients with terminal cancer the normal cause of dyspnoea is restrictive pulmonary failure .
20 George Brown , minister of the ill-fated Department of Economic Affairs , even believed that with American aid the British economy could quickly be restored to health .
21 For my next example I will go back to Sri Lanka for a case which exhibits with particular clarity the general principle that equality of status calls for direct equivalence in reciprocal behaviour .
22 Neal Sonnett , the head of the ABA 's criminal-justice section , notes with particular alarm the sharp rise in incarceration of low-level drug offenders , which has hindered efforts to fight more serious , and violent , crime .
23 In keeping with recent tradition the first contest in the nomination process was in Iowa , where both the Republican Party and the Democrats held caucuses on Feb. 10 .
24 He is a husband who recites with dull pain the continuing succession of his wife 's lovers , while he must comfort himself with fantasies — his own , or the kind printed on cheap paper .
25 Elizabeth watched with fascinated horror the forcible feeding practised on the poor children .
26 If it is excreted by a saturable process then in patients with renal failure the same degree of increased delivery of pepsinogen I into the serum could produce a more marked increase in its serum concentration .
27 Since the Revolution of 1830 , this group had lived in a sort of internal emigration , rejoicing in the fall of one usurper and awaiting with undiminished confidence the inevitable departure of his successor .
28 In a state with relative autonomy the political leadership is forced to rely heavily on that institution which least reflects the interest of a particular class — the bureaucracy .
29 Within a few days they were ready to invite Poole to a dinner of roast pork and potatoes — cooked in the baker 's oven because the cottage had none that could be used — and at the end of January a letter to John Prior Estlin described with quiet enthusiasm the clear brook which ran before the cottage door , a pretty garden — ‘ large enough to find us vegetables and employment ’ — and an orchard lying beyond which was about to become home for some ducks and geese , as well as two pigs .
30 But if not that , then many critics would like to be dictators of literature , to regulate the past , and to set out with quiet authority the future direction of the art .
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