Example sentences of "with [adj] [noun sg] be the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 These findings suggest that a likely cellular source of reactive oxygen species in the inflamed colon of patients with ulcerative colitis is the neutrophil and that myeloperoxidase conversion of H 2 O 2 to hypochlorous acid , contributes to the chemiluminescence signal and possibly , to the tissue injury .
2 Another feature which Engels , following Bachofen , believed was indicative of the high status of women in societies with simple technology was the fact that some such people worship female gods .
3 The major problem with top-down parsing is the time wasted in expanding rules that can not possibly be satisfied by the input .
4 But the general public does not have a clear understanding of what community care services are trying to achieve , partly because people with mental disorder are the focus of philosophical and ethical disagreements about their care , disagreements which create confusion in the minds of a public unfamiliar with the issues .
5 See , the whole trick with Hawaiian music is the mixing of the chords : everybody might be in C , but everybody is tuned differently , so instead of always playing the same damn intervals at the same point on the instrument , you have this wonderful overlap that spreads the feeling of the key out into kind of a pre-'60s sort of an effect .
6 The third area where I believe firms in the book trade will have to examine their futures with great care is the balance between risk and safety .
7 A form of attitudinism which has been worked out with especial thoroughness is the prescriptivism of R.M. Hare .
8 At one time , painting the inside of cold water cisterns with bituminous paint was the answer when it had corroded , but this is no longer recommended .
9 An example of a differentiable relation with lexical significance is the relation of dominance of a taxonomic ( i.e. classificatory ) hierarchy .
10 Another differentiable relation with lexical relevance is the relation between an entity and its parts .
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