Example sentences of "with [art] [noun] of [noun sg] the " in BNC.

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1 She lay in wide-eyed turmoil for a long while , but at last sleep overcame her , and with the return of sleep the dream returned too .
2 At that time all cases were dealt with through the law courts , the establishment of guilt or innocence , together with the imposition of punishment the prime aims .
3 Hugh Young , fund manager , admitted that with the benefit of hindsight the original launch was not large enough .
4 There it was defeated by 127 to 108 votes ( with ten abstentions ) , but with the benefit of hindsight the size of the opposition showed the way opinion was moving .
5 This recovery has been made necessary because , as we have seen , the rhetorical and historical use of anthropology got so disastrously mixed up in the work of the founders and produced a false picture of the idyllic classless community which was later termed primitive communism and then got further confused with the type of society the Marxists were trying to construct in the future .
6 But it is appropriate to ask whether the brutal attack on her would have happened if she had been armed with the kind of baton the Home Secretary has banned .
7 But with the act of disobedience the will and the hearts of the human race were unlocked from the inside and the Dark One scuttled in and , like a ‘ thief and a robber ’ , took the world by stealth .
8 With the spread of Christianity the Beltane fires , like so many pagan practices , were ‘ Christianised ’ and were now lit to celebrate the feast of St John .
9 Dysentery among the passengers continued and during the storm almost everyone had been sick , so that with the lack of sanitation the steerage was truly awash .
10 The fact that your copy-writers are so uninformed on this perhaps links up with the lack of information the manufacturers have on the need for their product .
11 Outside , the sun still shone , though with the approach of evening the light had lost some of its force and the room grew dimmer .
12 With the passage of time the contribution that these families made to the total genetic diversity of the population became subordinate to the seedling recruits : although the number of seedlings appears to be very small , their contribution to the total number of genetic individuals in the population is clearly significant in determining the number of clones or genets that are present .
13 Because those rules were not written , memory was crucial — and with the passage of time the rules were likely to be further modified , reflecting imperfect recollections of what had been done before .
14 Although there have been philosophers — Leibniz is an obvious example — who have tried to reconcile this view with the idea of a pluralist ontology , it is clear that if conjoined with the principle of independence the doctrine of the internality of relations provides a powerful support for the monist thesis .
15 Still , the film remains a compelling update of Orwell 's — and with the breakdown of Stalinism the notion of the fundamentalist Right as the prime totalitarian threat has a thoroughly contemporary flavour .
16 With the outbreak of war the ILP put itself in opposition to the trade-union leaders by its refusal to support the war and by its criticism of those Labour Party members who either joined the government after 1916 or gave it their loyal parliamentary support .
17 The ability of the intestine to exchange fluids and nutrients is grossly reduced , and with the onset of diarrhoea the lamb rapidly becomes dehydrated .
18 With the declaration of war the Cubist painters , many of whom had begun to grow apart artistically , were physically separated , and the movement rapidly broke up .
19 The digestive enzymes , however , do not appear to be the main agents producing bone modification , and it is the level of acidity combined with the length of time the food is in the stomach that are the main determining factors .
20 Safer ground had to be found and in any case with the coming of war the Progressive demands were being replaced by new constraints .
21 The Labour Party took no action against the Club , and with the coming of war the Communist sympathies of the Club 's leaders rapidly disappeared .
22 There were men half-hidden by piled-up mountains of coloured balloons at some of the street corners , a relic , Ward said , of the magnificent feathered headdresses of the Aztecs , and with the stillness of evening the dust haze had gone , so that the huge square of the Zócalo had a brooding sense of peace , the cathedral 's twin towers still touched with the sunset 's warmth and the great mass of it dominating the presidential palace .
23 Many of Weber 's contemporaries supposed that with the decline of religion the aesthetic realm might be the only place of retreat for any type of meaningful life — conduct in the face of encroaching purposive rationality ( Whimster 1987 ) .
24 I 've purely been concerned with the budgets of our own schools here in Oxfordshire and one of the ways that you can compare how efficient Oxfordshire is in terms of its expenditure is by looking at the national figures for recoupment , that 's where a county takes in a child from another county , and look how that compares with the amount of money the Authority spends on educating that child .
25 Elsewhere , the degree of urban independence varied with the amount of pressure the community could exert , its ability to exploit political crisis , and the condition of its neighbours .
26 With the emergence of thesis the idea of law , which in the sense of nomos was viewed as a constraint on power , is transformed into an instrument for the use of power .
27 With a moan of effort the unloved flat slowly responds to the female presence .
28 Rose had enrolled Gabriel , with a jump of surprise the girl admitted it .
29 Likewise he knew to take with a pinch of salt the recruiting officer 's : " We will get TSA membership .
30 In conjunction with a state of emergency the President might also impose temporary direct presidential rule over a union republic .
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