Example sentences of "you [vb mod] think [pers pn] [modal v] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Given the option of seventeen papers in two sizes , six ink colours and twelve different styles of type-face , you might think it would be confusing to order your personal stationery by post .
2 You might think it would be for the prestige , the culture or simply because enough people are interested that all three performances are sold out .
3 then you 'd think they would be just one language would n't you ?
4 and he , he just goes around thumping , kicking and , and going berserk during drama and the teacher just looks on and says calm down and I mean in view of the fact I 've written to the school and complained about , but you 'd think they would be keeping an eye and he hates drama so much and it , he 's got drama tomorrow , if he has any trouble tomorrow morning I 'm not sending him tomorrow afternoon I 'm gon na start keeping him home and if they ask why I 'm gon na say because you ca n't control your classes and you wo n't want to now
5 Daddy sits a lot , doing nothing and muttering to himself and Mummy 's just retreated — she never starts a conversation , or asks a question , or — You 'd think they 'd be over-anxious about me , their one remaining child and perhaps they are , but they have miserable ways of showing it .
6 You 'd think they 'd be glad to have you because you 've got experience in fighting , ’ Anne said indignantly .
7 You 'd think they 'd be intrigued at a chance to play detectives .
8 you 'd think they 'd be in Hong Kong or somewhere .
9 You 'd think I would be over this by now , ’ Mait said darkly , eyeing the lake .
10 ‘ After all these years you 'd think he 'd be careful . ’
11 You 'd think he 'd be back by now , ’ said Mervyn .
12 you 'd think he 'd be the last one to smile , but he 's always smiling int he , lovely
13 I mean , you 'd think it would be the one time she would — ’
14 They was never strong in , you 'd think it would be in a place like this but they were n't .
15 You 'd think it would be totally alien for them to go in the water like that .
16 You 'd think it might be quite relaxing , having ( effectively ) no will , and no body anyway through which to exercise it .
17 The lads that are on strike well I mean you 'd think it 'd be vice versa him being like a blackleg er that 's er they 'd be agitating but he 's vice versa .
18 No Kieran , do n't pull any of them off you 'd think it 'd be cheaper if it was smaller would n't you ?
19 ‘ Anyone looking at you would think you 'd be perfectly at home in the country .
20 You would think she would be glad to be interrupted . ’
21 It 's funny how an animal like a cow or a horse would swim you would think it would be
22 You would think it 'd be more hygienic .
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