Example sentences of "you [vb mod] [not/n't] [verb] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 You may not realise until you are asked that you do not have the skills required .
2 You may not assume that you can go anywhere you like — most of the land is privately owned and actively farmed .
3 You may not think that you have a problem , but in a company of even modest size it is statistically likely that some employees will have a drink problem .
4 Well that 's extremely advisable , because if you have a problem in the middle of your morning 's run of sending out invoices , you may not know whether it 's a software problem in the programs , or a hardware , hardware problem in the actual electronics .
5 Some of you may not know that you have recently given me two lovely present , the first , for my birthday , being a beautiful flower arrangement which gave me great pleasure , particularly as I live in the centre of London and my nearest ‘ garden ’ is Regent 's Park !
6 You must n't feel that you ca n't do anything .
7 You must n't feel that I do n't want to read it , but I am a little frightened of reading it after , well , after mother and her feelings for — for her mother and for me . ’
8 You must n't worry if you 're not as quick as the others .
9 ‘ And you must n't mind if I take mine standing up , and with a pinch of salt .
10 which you must n't touch unless you 're very sure of what you 're doing .
11 On the tail , lane road , give way to vehicles coming towards you you must not overtake if you would have to cross or straddle double white lines with a solid line on the out of you , erm if you 're within a zig zag area , the pelican crossing , after a normal overtaking sign until the end of the restriction , do not overtake when you can not see far enough ahead , for example , when coming through
12 ‘ But you were Mr Russell 's only child , my dear , and you must not doubt that he loved you , even if he did n't always make it perfectly apparent . ’
13 You must not imagine that I am a pure woman .
14 Here he is , at the outset , reporting from Brussels : ‘ You must not imagine that I live richly here , for my chief food is dry bread and some potatoes or chestnuts which people here sell on the street corner , but by having a somewhat better room and by occasionally taking a somewhat better meal in a restaurant whenever I can afford it , I shall get on very well … .
15 If you are applying for your first provisional licence you must not drive until you get it .
16 From which you should not conclude that he favoured tyranny , or absolute monarchy , or bourgeois monarchy , or bureaucratised totalitarianism , or anarchy , or whatever .
17 You should not feel that it is presumptuous to ask .
18 You should not smoke if you are pregnant see page 19 .
19 You should not smoke if you are pregnant ( see page 19 ) .
20 What they do is up to them and you should n't feel that you have to copy them .
21 Peter was n't in the slightest bit put out , and he looked back at my friend and said , ‘ You should n't gamble if you ca n't afford to lose . ’
22 Our housework was hard and long and laborious and erm we 'd got two children to look after and then I 'd got my brother who did n't leave home until he was thirty and er , you had n't got the time , you know , to do too many things , so er my interest was the young wives ' and it was really a as regards the erm the Guild itself , I was thrown in at the deep end when this lady who was with my mother , mother was treasurer , she was secretary , erm she used to come down for me and , I know you should n't canvass but she used to canvass and say erm you know the voting , you know , will you , will you come and vote ?
23 You should n't shop-lift because it 's wrong .
24 Well you should n't have cos we wanted to see
25 He stared at her while drawing in a deep breath , which expanded his broad chest further ; then he said , ‘ Well , if you want to know , you should n't look as you do ; you attract the wrong kind .
26 Given that you can draw all sorts of amazing objects you might not think that you need to edit them much but IntelliDraw has some powerful editing tools .
27 And Uncle Camillo in his armour with the lamp shining on the breastplate and helmet , and the vizor down so you could not see if he were laughing .
28 You could not guarantee that I would n't be blown up .
29 You went blind , you got raped , people forgot your birthday , Nixon got elected , your husband fled with a blonde from Beckenham , and then you got old , you could n't walk and you died .
30 It was the one thing you could n't do when you stayed in a hotel .
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