Example sentences of "you [vb mod] [adv] have a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 You may already have a good idea , when planning your new kitchen , of the type of operation you want , but unless you have previous experience of designing a kitchen , there could be problems in store .
2 You may already have a flying toaster screen saver and animated cursors , but I bet you have n't got a screen save that displays full motion video .
3 You may also have a dry irritating cough , a sore throat and a runny , itchy nose .
4 You may also have a dry irritating cough , a sore throat and a runny , itchy nose .
5 Even if they do n't prosecute you may still have a civil claim against the owner for your injuries .
6 When I asked Alison what qualities you need to be a marketing controller she said , ‘ you need to be able to establish immediate empathy with the people you are talking to as you may only have a short time to get the feedback you need .
7 You must also have a clear idea of why you want such a system .
8 More of that later , you must also have a valid passport , and you must be free to travel in the last two weeks of January .
9 For example , if you use what was the dining room for a work room/study as well , you should either have a round table which can be piled with books when necessary , a table set off-centre , or a drop-leaf table that can be pulled out and set up in the centre of the room as required .
10 After tackling up and laying your baitboxes , landing net etc , around you , and sinking your keepnet in deep-enough water , you should still have a reasonable amount of daylight left to assess your surroundings .
11 You should therefore have a time-recording system .
12 Now you should all have a spare scrap of paper that 's blank on one side , out of my recycled paper box , okay .
13 Want to sing with a high pitched voice , you 'll never have a better chance .
14 If something happens in the work you 'll maybe have a social occasion , to celebrate somebody 's retirement .
15 Erm wi if you had the accommodation of both houses downstairs , you 'd have you 'd easily have a good size sitting room .
16 If you 'd rather have a cold drink
17 So sorry can I just ask , so in effect you have n't shifted your ground from the view which you expressed in paragraph three point six of your submission where you 've just confirmed in fact that you 'd rather have a proper or the ability to make a sort of proper measured allocations , part of which would make provision or allow the facility to cater for major inward investment ?
18 ‘ Of course with your looks you 'd probably have a marvellous time .
19 You could even have a do-it-yourself health farm treatment at home , by devoting your whole time to exercise , diet , sauna baths , or any of the programmes you would want from a health farm at about one-tenth of the cost .
20 You could even have a personalised château holiday , enjoying the hospitality of a family who may well have been in residence for generations .
21 You could either have a ten or a twelve pound
22 You do n't necessarily get a better job with a performance spec than you would simply by specifying that you had more cuts because in er in a slow growing year , if you like , the contractor actually gains because he does n't need to cut so many times to comply with a maximum of a hundred millimetres length , whereas if you 've got an eleven level cut you would actually have a continuous length of grass , much shorter , so it would look smarter .
23 It gives me great pleasure to announce that that would mean Cherwell District Council would have to disappear as well , and that would be another blip off the horizon erm but that what would happen you would therefore have a smaller authority , who would then become the Education Authority , and that would be would have to be , I think , somewhere in between the current District Council size in Cherwell or the Vale , of what about a hundred thousand , and the present county , which is rather more than half a million .
24 If you prefer a manager who is part of a financial group such as Granville Investment Management ( 071–488 1212 ) , part of the merchant bank , you will again have a tailor-made investment plan .
25 If you came to this country after 1948 as an adult , your working life still started at 16 , so you will probably have a reduced pension .
26 Be alert to everything , let nothing escape you , and you will soon have a true education for life .
27 You will ultimately have a better vehicle however .
28 In that way you will either have a subtle blend of colours that is always pleasing to look at , or a bright cheerful picture that shows off all the flowers .
29 You will also have a better recall of what has been said .
30 The arguments listed under ‘ Dynamic aspects ’ indicate how having a favourable position in the current income or wealth distribution makes it likely that you will also have a favourable position in a future income or wealth distribution ( inter- and intra-generationally ) .
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