Example sentences of "you [vb base] been [v-ing] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I bet you 've been discussing it with Ian , who , nice as he is , is a male vet , and they 're like the farmers .
2 My daughter , my grandkids hurt , and you 've been quizzing me about some job years ago that did n't even involve me ! ,
3 It 's when you 've been flying them for a few days consecutively that it ( pardon the pun ) dawns on them that they could escape and find out what 's over the next hill .
4 And he was saying he said oh you 've been good you 've been feeding us with cups of teas .
5 ‘ And what 's all this codswallop you 've been feeding us about Old Red 's being foul to nurses ?
6 You you 've been taking it for how long ?
7 So to find out how much you 've used , you 've got to multiply it by how long you 've been using it for .
8 Now go and relax in your dressing-room for a little while — try a few of those deep-breathing exercises you 've been telling me about .
9 Or perhaps you 've been telling her about when her periods will be due .
10 There are some things in this that obviously we can support , the delete or reduction in the contingency pros p provision to a hundred thousand pounds , we 're going to be moving later on to delete even that amount but it 's surprising you were telling us you 've been telling us for years you have to have two hundred thousand pounds in the contingency .
11 Except for it 's dead hot still if you 're not careful , if you 've been cooking it in the over or something
12 You 've been asking me for weeks if I 'm jealous !
13 You know , you 're worried about us threatening you on your borders , you 've been threatening us on our borders you get rid of yours we 'll get rid of ours , fair ?
14 You 've been saying it for so long .
15 Because you 've been badgering me for weeks to go to a car boot sale .
16 You 've been doing it to each other all the time but if I were to hurt you or if anybody else here were to hurt you physically or mentally how many times would you forgive them ?
17 So it takes all the pain out of coming up with annual appraisals because you 've been doing it on an incremental basis .
18 I started out that way and not listening to the people you 've been doing it for years and say this is the way you do it .
19 ‘ If you have been taking me for granted , ’ Mr O'Hara argued , ‘ then that is my fault .
20 It may be that you have been taking them for so long that you are caught up in a chemical spiral and can not now function without them .
21 I gather you have been chasing them for two weeks for their time .
22 You have been casting them from that very first night when the gods sent you to haunt me ! ’
23 To start with , you might have to go through the whole exercise in order to relax again but , once you have been doing it for some time , you will find that all you need to do is to picture your own peaceful scene and , because the link is permanently there in your subconscious mind , you will immediately begin to feel more peaceful , both mentally and physically .
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