Example sentences of "you [vb base] [pers pn] if [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I think that these inflated ideas perhaps come with the old language of the church , and if you 're going to do that well then , all hail to you and er presumably you mean it if you 've gone there .
2 her hand away you know , if you imagine she if you make it she did n't take her hand away
3 I mean , everybody took loads of everything in those days but if you have an incredible tour schedule and you can find a way of having extra energy , which you can get with cocaine , you overdo it if you have n't ever had it before in such huge quantities , and you 're that big , and girls come to the dressing room afterwards , and everybody gives you free packets , and suddenly you 're everybody 's pal .
4 If , if you get it if you get it everyone has it I think I 'm doing a little bit what we did last night Excuse me .
5 Cos if you get em If you put a bo A multiple choice and if They 're not actually think they just like look at one and , Oh I do n't really like that all I do n't really like think about it .
6 I mean you , you ask him if he 'd erm arranged for a cement mixer and he said oh no he did n't want to bother , but I thought afterwards that 'll be each one of those holes , he
7 ‘ While you 're speaking to him , I suggest you ask him if he knows anyone in the building trade who would like to come out here to help you .
8 You ask me if it 's been tough .
9 You ask me if I see any changes in the attitudes of young people .
10 You call me if you find out anything , ’ Laidlaw said .
11 You do it if you feel like it , and so do I. What 's sauce for the goose … ? ’
12 If anything if if it does You see again and then you see if you 're out of a job you see you if you happen to be out of a job then you 're not eligible for a pension policy .
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