Example sentences of "you [vb base] [conj] they [am/are] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The symptoms are generally worse the further you fly and they are more marked after eastward flights than those to the west .
2 When you know that they are sort of negative and they do n't really talk to you as a person , you know that they 're not really bothered about what happens to you .
3 The Law Game suffers uniquely by its audience : you know that they are there , because they applaud at the beginning .
4 Although you might not meet an elephant on the Wilpattu jungle tracks , you know that they are there when you find a tree pulled down or bull-dozed across the road .
5 And I mean I think women tend to be inv having to cope with things like school and er and health and you know they 're a at the grass roots if you like of you know at the receiving end of you know say cuts in in services like that and bus services and just quality of rural life and I mean the quality of life in Blaenau is depopulation and unemployment and you know and and in a sense there is lot of scope for women to break down the barriers of you know cos it is true that the the Councillors they 're supposed to represent the people or whatever tend to be quite well to do they 've done it thank you very much and then oh you know they 've got the time on their hands and they tend to be men and s school ex school teachers ex You know and they 're not having to cope with really situations that go will put them in touch with what it 's like not to have a bus service or not to have proper health care and this sort of thing you know .
6 You know if they 're there , they 'll have it .
7 If you take 100 people with a very severe psychotic illness like schizophrenia and look at their parents , you find that they are absolutely typical of the country as a whole .
8 And if you decide that they are not , then you are back where you started .
9 This is extremely time consuming and it is not always easy to tell whether the grains are what you think if they are not well-preserved .
10 If you are rearing those kinds that burrow into the soil , put some soil in the bottom of the cage when you see that they are fully grown .
11 So you 've got to learn how to cultivate your ability to summon up the levels that you need when they 're particularly needful .
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