Example sentences of "you [verb] [adv] [vb infin] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You 'd best take a jug with you .
2 ‘ I think you 'd better stay a bit longer and Mary and I will take you home . ’
3 You 'd better organize a couple of temps for us , ’ Georgina said .
4 ‘ Then you 'd better throw a blanket over your head , ’ he said quietly .
5 You 'd better find a plaster for that thumb or it might start bleeding again . ’
6 He said , ‘ You 'd better have a rest after tea .
7 You 'd better have a go on these , I think .
8 You 'd better have a word with him .
9 ‘ Perhaps you 'd better have a cigarette , Ellen . ’
10 Well you 'd better have a cup of coffee or .
11 You 'd better have a mechanic check it over before you try and drive it . ’
12 You 'd better have a talk to it , then .
13 You 'd better have a snog ?
14 You 'd better read a chapter before we go out this afternoon .
15 You 'd better get a grip of yourself , ’ I said .
16 You 'd better get a couple Nola .
17 ‘ If you 're still planning to come with me , you 'd better get a move on .
18 That , that 's right , you 've still got time or you 'd better get a move on , it 's that sort of reaction that your brain makes is n't it ?
19 Do n't you think you 'd better take a look at this fellow you knocked out ?
20 And talking of cards , ’ she went on quickly as it registered with Fabia that if adding Cara 's name to hers on any card she sent home was n't lying , then she did n't know what was , ‘ you 'd better take a couple of my business cards . ’
21 If you want to understand Theology , you 'd better take a gander at the Demonology too …
22 You 'd better take a coat , ’ said Tuppe helpfully .
23 ‘ Yet you did not want a child in this marriage ? ’
24 Wigg did not believe in the doctrine that you did not kick a man when he was down .
25 You did not give a name . ’
26 No , you did not rear a coward ! ’
27 You did not have a choice .
28 Indeed , I would not desire you if you did not have a mind and a spirit .
29 You did n't build a house without a garden .
30 Your feelings of jealousy are n't perverse — even though you did n't want a baby , you 'd probably imagined yourself being very pregnant or holding a baby .
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