Example sentences of "you [verb] [prep] be [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 You tend to be rather poorly which is why they 've given you the blood transfusion .
2 ‘ What you got to be so pleased about ? ’
3 Now on that twenty feet long , now I 'm up about say , you can say anything like about fifteen feet up in the in the air , might be less than that and then you got twenty feet up like that , well then there used to be wire and used to have a big wheel in top , which you could n't go over the top and with a wire , then I used to have a sling chain , my main hook and that was thirteen foot long and you take th that and on , on working on top of the lorry , see you got to be so careful and there 's men working on that lorry as well , course I broke the wheel .
4 What do you want to be all alone in this house for when there 's a man ready to marry you ?
5 If you want to be particularly clever , write them on hard-boiled eggs .
6 It 's hot in the kitchen , Bacon 's burning , now she 's used the same sort of thing , it 's hot in the kitchen Bacon 's burning , you too could use the play on words for the idea of bacon and burning and cooking and sizzling if you want to be really gruesome .
7 If you want to be really safe , a condom or , to avoid vaginal or menstrual fluids , a dental dam ( a square of latex that can be placed over the vulva ) can be used .
8 If you want to be really adventurous , try making your own containers by using jam jars , washing-up liquid bottles , margarine tubs or yoghurt pots — once they 're empty ( and washed ) of course !
9 In about three weeks ’ time , if you want to be really precise . ’
10 The correct term is spaying , or if you want to be really scientific , panovariohysterectomy !
11 If you want to be actively involved in the work of The Ramblers ' Association , there are 300 groups throughout England , Scotland and Wales , many of which organise practical work — clearing paths , raising signposts , opposing path closures , reporting obstructions and generally making sure the countryside can be walked .
12 If you want to be totally accurate , thirty seven pounds fifty two .
13 So forty pounds minus the two pounds , or if you want to be totally accurate , two pounds and tuppence , policy fee , will leave thirty seven pounds ninety eight .
14 You can try the other ten if you want to be absolutely sure about it , cos it 's , you know , look at the length of that one as well , I mean
15 You want to be very careful er , Mr Chairman , how we put out erm , information , I mean , let's face it , you know , you start sort of raising a lot of hairs if you 're not careful and if , if , even if it 's totally irrelevant people will latch on to a particular com comment and make it their own .
16 Or molecular biology , if you want to be more specific . ’
17 If you want to be more popular , be ready with a small prize for each child who has succeeded in doing
18 After reading these you can delete the relevant lines , or if you want to be more careful , exclude them with a semi-colon .
19 ‘ I ca n't think why you appear to be so preoccupied with that girl . ’
20 You appear to be as reckless as fitzAlan . ’
21 Your husband very rude and overbearing but you seemed to be quite content to submit and expressed your confidence in the business . ’
22 But a hundred things should have indicated to you that my father is a figure of unusual distinction from whom you may learn a wealth of things were you prepared to be more observant . ’
23 In other words are you prepared to be totally persistent ?
24 Oozing , not bright red , but mixed , it 's mixed bleeding really you 've got from capillary and very often in any injury you 'll get mixed bleeding , but are you going to be too concerned and analyze too carefully whether it 's blood from a vein or blood from an artery if it 's pouring out ?
25 ‘ Are you going to be all right ? ’ he asked her . ’
26 Have you got to be more specific with your requests ?
27 Why have you got ta be so nice to be a Wren , I can see a policewoman but not a Wren !
28 Oh I think so , I mean I , again I hope there are n't any Catholics in the audience who are offended by my remarks , but it 's just my personal opinion , that yeah , th th you know , th th that is the case and at the least I mean whatever judgment one makes about this thing , I , I repeat what I said earlier about you got ta be terribly careful when using the word natural .
29 If you happened to be megafabulously famous way back at the start of the '70s , the problems are literally multiplied twentyfold .
30 It 's strange the way Chinese Whispers start about certain guitars ; by the time the umpteenth person has told you about the amazing instrument that they 've seen , you begin to be very sceptical about whether anything can be as outrageous as described …
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