Example sentences of "that if [pers pn] does [not/n't] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Tell him that if he does not reply within seven days , the copy letter will be sent to the Law Society ( 26 Drumsheugh Gardens , Edinburgh EH3 7YR ) to form the basis of a complaint .
2 The timing of the shifts depends on the growth of the local market , the extent of tariffs imposed and the fear on the part of one player that if he does not invest , others will and thereby capture the market .
3 For example , the doctor may fear that if he does not use every technique in his armoury , he will be accused of neglecting his patient ; or the doctor may simply not understand the real nature of his obligations .
4 It is pointless telling a toddler that if he does not hit his sister Mummy will play with him tomorrow .
5 The demand must include an explanation to the debtor of the purpose of it and the fact that if he does not comply with it , bankruptcy proceedings may be commenced against him , the time within which and the methods of compliance and the right to apply to the court for the demand to be set aside .
6 if , if , if he says I 've done it in class and I do n't want to finish it off at home , that 's fair enough , but what 's gon na happen when he gets to secondary level and he 's got this idea that if he does n't finish it in class , that 's it , he does n't do it , he wo n't finish learning the topic
7 Er but you get the feeling that if he does n't score then as I said nobody else can .
8 She is indicating that tiffin has been ready for some time and that if he does n't fancy it , the dog does .
9 His logic seems to be that if he does n't give you any money , he can be sure you 're staying with him because you love him , and not because of his earning power .
10 There is a childlike belief at the Foreign Office that if it does not admit to the existence of MI6 , foreign governments will believe Britain does not spy on them .
11 Unless you take a different view , our own preference would be to pursue the question of a travelling display as actively as we can , recognising , however , that if it does not prove feasible for reasons of finance and other resources to mount such a display in the foreseeable future we may have to fall back on the reduced-size Barrel Vault display .
12 And we 've got a very big computerized telephone system , so that if it does n't answer sit there with a stopwatch timing each phone I presume , it 's all automatically done and they get a print out at the end of every month giving the average time of the , the phone the , the , the phone takes to be answered .
13 In the Western Fells region covered by the FRCC Scafell , Dow and Eskdale Guide , Al Phizaclea continues to explore nooks and crannies with the philosophy that if it does n't move and is n't already in the guide then it must be climbed .
14 One of the speakers was suggesting that a proposal should be judged on its merits when it comes forward for approval to the registering authority and that if it does n't fit into the set pattern , that should n't necessarily debar it .
15 I think if it becomes clear that if it does n't happen in February we 're going to have to really reappraise the situation ,
16 USL is worried that if it does n't act now , such a practice may become more widespread .
17 So before SuperSparc corrals all the business , he 's sending Sun messages in the press that if it does n't buy HyperSparc — also known as Pinnacle — he 's going to turn round and do the Alpha for DEC .
18 Make sure , for example , that if she does not eat meat , she gets sufficient iron through other foods such as eggs , lentils and a variety of vegetables , so that anaemia is avoided .
19 Similarly , when trying to persuade his wife to meet Peter , Jacko argues that if she does not compromise , at least on this point , then their daughter will be lost to them forever .
20 Yet it is hard to see why this defendant who has succeeded in terrorising a victim into submission should be any less guilty of rape than the man who threatens a woman that if she does not submit he will , there and then , overcome her resistance .
21 I meet men now who say things like , ‘ I 'm worried that if she does n't get a move on , it 'll be too late . ’
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