Example sentences of "that we [vb mod] [be] [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Er , I 've seen other papers where there is a hint that we might be looking for a contribution , er , out of the general budget , er , of that difference , that two hundred and fifty thousand .
2 It was once believed to be a very young star , still condensing ; then it was suggested that we might be dealing with a Black Hole ; now it seems more likely that the eclipsing component is a hot bluish star surrounded by a cloud of opaque material .
3 Can I remind you that we 'll be looking at er two D on Tue Tuesday morning .
4 Though , ever a man to confuse her , he greeted her pleasantly , ‘ Good morning , darling , ’ and , in case she had n't got the message that the endearment was only on account of their audience , ‘ I 've just been telling my uncle that we 'll be leaving after breakfast . ’
5 What 's really worrying me is that we may be dealing with amateurs . ’
6 Er sometimes what they 're wearing you you find that er they tend to wear er a little bit of a uniform on occasions but they 're not the normal people that we would be looking at .
7 part of the area that we would be looking at for the new settlement .
8 that would not be the scenario that we would be looking at .
9 Initially , we were a little uncertain as to the type of adverts to seek and in both your absences I checked with Gerry Senior who was very helpful in advising that we would be looking for the kind of events that might be held in the Centre and not adverts relating to , for example , recruitment .
10 It would make very significant incursions into our much against our wishes , to accommodate that , so that we would be looking to North Yorkshire to and work to the same levels of migration , the trend in migration as it were .
11 Therefore , if I just looked at some of those policy teams that I referred to in my presentation , I would expect , and it 's happening , that we would be taking on board , in each of those policy teams , the policy development work that 's applicable to Europe .
12 Britain was actually given a lower standard check , on the basis that we would be using in many places our own coal , which has a quite a high sulphur content , or de-sulphurisation , we were given a lower standard , or a higher standard , or whatever it is , it was more relaxed for Britain , and that 's why I like the idea of taking this up with the M.E.D. , how it 'll happen , how it will square in his mind .
13 Although all the recruit instruction was normally carried out at Castelnaudary , we had been informed that we would be going to Orange , the base of the 1er Régiment Étranger de Cavalerie , as Castelnaudary was overcrowded .
14 His advice was that for the committee to continue trading knowing in advance that we would be running at a loss would leave members open to a charge of wrongful trading .
15 No she ai n't , cos she ai n't coming down here for the and I told her that we would be nipping to town to so we can do it then when she ai n't with me , the offer 's only on till tomorrow .
16 Well , this is certainly one of the things that we shall be looking at .
17 It is therefore to the teaching of the Old Testament about the Spirit of the Lord , the ruach adonai , that we shall be looking in order to get the background for the Christian doctrine of the Holy Spirit .
18 Finally , I 'd like to mention that we shall be recommending for shareholders a one for one scrip issue .
19 It is the evil things that we shall be fighting against — brute force , bad faith , injustice , oppression and persecution — and against them I am certain that the right will prevail . ’
20 Most of the agencies that we shall be describing in the following sections would claim to offer information , advice and assistance but some are dubious as to the extent to which they should take action on behalf of a client and some will refer a matter on to specialists when they reach the limits of their competence .
21 ‘ You said that we 'd be going to a restaurant ! ’
22 And we 're not doing yet the things that it was planned that we 'd be doing of in a year .
23 We had discussed this business of how people 's appearance literally alters in the eyes of their lovers , and suddenly I blushed , for it seemed to me he must be remembering this too , and that we must be looking for the same thing , as one might take down an old book in a moment of hungry nostalgia and start to re-read , hoping it may provide the same remembered enchantment as before .
24 Another commonly-accepted indication of intelligence is the way animals deal with the unpredictable contingencies of their world through learning ; and it is here that our intuition tells us that we must be dealing with something very like intellect .
25 He said : ‘ There 's a suspicion that we could be getting into a mess .
26 The clash of cultures was illustrated towards the end of the first day : ‘ Just tell us what the standards are that we should be aiming for ’ , a publisher demanded , fed up with what he called ‘ axe grinding ’ by manufacturers .
27 Some believe that we should be looking at all ages to fulfilling activity which is not wholly employment based , but make more constructive use of leisure .
28 EP : Last time I saw you we felt that we should be looking at some kind of school with weekly boarding .
29 It 's agreed that we should be looking at improving the standard in D risk areas etc etc etc etc but we should have a higher level of cover , not putting anybody into a suffering situation , quite the reverse that we would have an improved level of of cover within the County and the Chief Officer he 's said this time and time again .
30 Erm I do n't think that as a committee that we should be getting into the detail necessary of what 's going wrong and I think er Harold made that quite well .
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