Example sentences of "that she be [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 To say that the terminology at B.P. was cryptic resembles the old lady 's comment that she is suffering from a ‘ gastric stomach ’ ; but there was an esoteric language to be learned .
2 But the best that a virtuous woman can hope for is that she be reborn as a man .
3 By an order dated 24 January 1992 Cazalet J. granted the local authority leave to issue a summons under the inherent jurisdiction of the High Court for W. to be given medical treatment without her consent and directed that she be joined as a defendant and the Official Solicitor be appointed as her guardian ad litem .
4 He also made it a condition that she be treated by a psychiatrist for a period not exceeding one year .
5 The fact is she ran away from her home in late 1962 and her mother heard a few months later that she was living as a common street girl near King 's Cross Station .
6 Even the fact that she suggested that they get married shows that she was living in a fantasy world .
7 HOLDING COURT : Suzanne revealing that she was kissed by a judge
8 At first , especially when she divulged that she was recovering from a nervous breakdown , I assumed that she merely desired a consoling chat with her sister 's old tutor . ’
9 ‘ She liked to think , as she lay in her corner , that she was shut in a cage with some powerful wild animal , a tiger or a lion or a bear , who had devoured his keeper and would spring upon anyone else who opened his door , but with whom she was ‘ quite safe and conceited ’ , as she said with a chuckle . ’
10 I knew that she was operating on a matter of some principle , something basic and territorial , something she had been taught , perhaps .
11 Her level of engagement shows that she was involved to a greater extent over a much larger part of the day .
12 A Nairobi lawyer , Martha Njoka , claimed that she was assaulted by a special branch superintendent when she went to a police station to trace Imanyara .
13 Many have been psychologically damaged , like Yasmin , whose continuous self-injury meant that she was moved into a more punitive environment .
14 She could feel a coolness on her brow , and would have reached up her fingers to find out what was there , but that she was possessed by a lassitude that prevented her moving at all .
15 She had n't thought she would understand what Fand meant ; but after only a moment the sense came to her that she was looking at a prisoner — at someone captive , helpless .
16 It was a full minute before she realised that she was looking at a reflection of herself in the polished metal shield that Simon had propped against a tree to protect her from any stray arrows .
17 Having signed on and said that she was looking for a job as a research scientist , she was advised that she should think again .
18 We used to joke that she was named after a local cinema .
19 Little that is definite is known of her early years , except that she was said to have been a backward child ; that she was sent to a private school , Hope House , in Taunton ; that she broke away from the family tradition of Methodism and became an Anglican ; and that she came to the attention of Dorothea Beale [ q.v. ] , and taught at Cheltenham Ladies ' College from 1877 until 1881 .
20 In February this year , the pain grew so much that she was confined to a wheelchair .
21 They 've traced former clients through her address books , and checked the possibility that she was murdered by a serial killer who 's struck elsewhere in Britain .
22 She stopped , repeated , ‘ What a disgusting thing to do , ’ and realised that she was shaking like a leaf , and feeling close to tears herself .
23 The multi-layered cerecloth implies that she was embalmed in a manner similar to that of her husband .
24 It was during the regional link-ups with Nationwide in London that she was spotted as a young broadcaster with great potential .
25 She was always in such a hurry , jumping out of bed and straight into her workaday clothes , that she had failed to take notice of the fact that she was growing into a very shapely young woman .
26 How strange it was , when you thought about it , that she was lying in a bed with this particular man .
27 A YOUNG mother yesterday told an Old Bailey jury that she was raped by a policeman on the front seat of his patrol car .
28 Later in the morning we were able to confirm that she was heading for a port in Southern Ireland .
29 She wrote that she was dying of a fever , and asked him to visit her for the first and last time .
30 Maxine told me that she had known all the time that she was her twentieth-century self and that she was sitting in a comfortable chair in my consulting room .
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