Example sentences of "that she [adv] [vb past] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And on the very day when she had woken up and decided to divorce him , to celebrate the fact that she finally had a life of her own ; a life which did n't include Julius Landor .
2 He said she was an avant-garde feminist who — when he first met her — was proud of the fact that she already had a child whose father no one knew .
3 Her dark red suit , and the shoulder bag that swung carelessly , indicated that she also had a trip to town in view .
4 ‘ No , ’ she denied numbly , a hectic flush along her cheekbones , because she had just discovered that she also needed a man she could fight with , cross swords with .
5 I went out and bought a remedy , thinking it was an infection , but when I got home I realised that she actually had a piece of red coloured gravel stuck inside her mouth , so that she could n't close it properly .
6 The fact that she actually arrived a week after the Jubilee is a trifling historical detail unlikely to mar the magnificence of the concept .
7 Mrs Turpin remarks to the woman next to her that she once knew a girl who had everything a child could possibly want , but was still a spoilt , ungrateful brat .
8 The first she knew of Piers 's presence in the room was his light touch on her shoulder , and it was so unexpected that she almost jumped a mile into the air .
9 One neighbour said in a written statement that she often heard a baby ‘ crying for help ’ which went on for hours and hours though she did not contact the police .
10 I remembered that Sally had been on the brink of a place in the university ladies golf team , and I discovered that she now sported a handicap of four .
11 She prayed that the landlord of the Swan was right and that she only had a mile or two to cover .
12 A nagging little voice reminded her how reticent her father had been about his past , always changing the subject abruptly so that she never learnt a thing about him .
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