Example sentences of "that she [modal v] [adv] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 Paula was amazed by the security arrangements that were necessary to ensure that the new season 's collections remained exclusive — the windows at the rear of the premises were heavily barred and practically the first thing she had to do on commencing her employment was to sign a contract promising that she would not breathe a word about the designs she saw .
2 She had lost one son — lost him truly , for she realized that he must be in Ireland now — but she was determined that she would not lose a daughter .
3 It was true that she would not enter a shop in her own country .
4 But I managed , with little difficulty , to convince myself that she would n't miss a handful from a whole bowl .
5 Despite fitzAlan 's assurances that she would n't encounter a corpse , she held her breath with trepidation every time she swung her free hand in a groping semicircle .
6 The Post Office said that she would n't mind a visit .
7 She did n't like to say that she would sooner lick a toad .
8 When Gloria had got over the first shock of Saul 's horrifying death , she put the warehouse up for sale , together with the contents of the ship-chandlers shop on the ground floor , confident that she would soon find a purchaser .
9 I hoped that she would then develop a massive guilt complex , but unfortunately she did n't .
10 ‘ I would not like to have the task of telling her that she would never make a crime reporter ! ’
11 She began to consider the fact that she was over twenty-one and felt anxious that she would never get a home of her own .
12 I conceded that it might have been wiser , and indeed more seemly , to have consulted her before a decision was reached ; but I did not add that I had advised the Prime Minister to agree to a meeting over her head because I was convinced that she would never accept a challenge to her authority .
13 Why then do I remain seated for Sally Field , in soft focus , gulping back emotion , Sigourney Weaver groping for emotion — any emotion — and Kathleen Turner proving once again that she ca n't open a fridge door without flexing a buttock .
14 Bloomsbury House , asked to contribute £35 towards books , told her she was too late that term ( it was November ) and that she might possibly get a small emergency grant for the summer term ( six months ahead ) if she still needed it .
15 That said , Hillary has already reluctantly accepted that she will not land a government position .
16 One is married already , one has declared that she will never take a husband , and the third has two suitors after her as it is .
17 Psyche , so lovely that she can not find a mortal husband , is condemned to be the bride of Death .
18 Theda was so appalled that she could barely repress a shudder , never mind summon up a smile .
19 Ruth struggled for words , her mind so confused that she could n't rein a coherent thought to the surface .
20 That , and the discovery that she could not bear a man near her in the early days after the rape ; so she had feigned an illness , explained as the consequence of her breaking her engagement with Havvie , which , of course , had caused an immense furore inside and outside of society , and Mama and Papa had put off their visit to England , and sent her loving letters , for she had written that she had discovered that she did not really love Havvie at all , had merely been beglamoured by his appearance , name and title .
21 During the first days of that Holy Week Mrs Abigail continued to believe that she could not endure a marriage that was a travesty , and that she could no longer endure life in Dynmouth .
22 In many ways the life of a great political hostess was very attractive to her , which only made her feel more guilty , but she knew that she could not tolerate a life of subordination and absolute dependency .
23 That she could not find a simple solution to the problems of women in marriage can be seen from two poems entitled ‘ Mira to Octavia ’ which advise a young woman who has fallen in love with an unsuitable man .
24 So strange , she sometimes thought , to have all this engineering knowledge in three languages and still be so unable to apply a single word of it that she could scarcely change a plug without helpful diagrams .
25 She caught worldwide attention last year when she claimed in a defence of prostitution charges that she could only satisfy a sex addiction by selling herself to the long line of men .
26 It may sound priggish , but she says it 's unwise to go against one 's nature , its fundamental requirements , she knew that she could only make a go of it , a real go — and that was what she wanted — with some very extraordinary kind of man , and she had n't met him yet .
27 He had to admit that she could still ride a lot better than he could .
28 Yet Travis — if it was him — had exacted a promise from her that she must n't breathe a word about Rosemary .
29 The more she thought about it , the more clearly she saw that she must somehow get a warning to Tristram .
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