Example sentences of "that they [vb mod] not [vb infin] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The principal concern of Edward 's ministers , as always , was to raise money for the war , and they hoped by making concessions to receive the grants the king needed ; but the concession of pardon for all debts of £10 or less was insufficient , and the commons insisted that they dare not grant a tax without consulting their communities .
2 There are people whose early experience of bodily closeness , intimacy and care has been so uncomfortable or so traumatic that they dare not risk a repetition of such pain .
3 Having received three quotes from three different companies , I wanted the company chosen to agree that they would n't exceed a certain price and they have confirmed that the mower we 've chosen will not exceed eighteen thousand six hundred and sixty eight pounds and this is for everything , this is the mower including the new cab erm and all the fittings that we wanted included on mower .
4 I 've noted there that , that if you were to bid for funds that had tapering attaching to them , and therefore you would be picking up increased costs in ninety five , six , and ninety six , seven , that they would n't exceed the figure shown at the bottom of the page .
5 With the vessel bucking through the short waves like an unbroken horse , Trent hoped that they would n't fire a warning shot .
6 Only I 've come across one or two head teachers who 've taken out things like A B Cs recently , and they did n't realize that they would n't get a lot of value if they cashed them early , you know , if they cashed them within two or three years .
7 Mr Kinnock and Mr Smith , shadow Chancellor , sought to reassure the financial and business community that they would not devalue the pound .
8 In the late 1980s developers knew that they would not make a decent return on their investment on a pay and play basis .
9 I must admit however that there are texts I used frequently with girls which I have not chosen to read with a mixed class , feeling that they would not attract the attention of the boys .
10 Lithuania , Latvia , Estonia , Moldavia , Georgia and Armenia had already signalled that they would not sign the treaty .
11 The Serbs gave ample warning that they would not tolerate an independent Bosnia .
12 It was alleged that Moin tried to scuff up the pitch — but England officials said yesterday that they would not study the video .
13 It clearly can not be an arbitrary aggregation of versions of modules since it is likely that they would not form a consistent set .
14 Some decided that they would not pay the poll tax , but the people about whom I worry are those such as the elderly lady suffering from a form of senile dementia who came to me because she was being harassed about the poll tax .
15 However , as stated above , nine out of the 11 in the action sample who said at second interview that they continued to prefer home care gave much more unequivocal answers ; stating not merely that they would not like the dementia sufferer to be in institutional care , or that they would feel guilty about him or her going into residential care ( as did the carers of Miss Wainwright and Mrs Nolan ) , but also that home was where they envisaged and wanted the sufferer to remain .
16 Unbelievably , the court was told that they would not help the defence case — a demonstrable falsehood that could have landed the three in jail .
17 But the FA 's reply confirmed that they would not allow the match to take place because they were worried about the effect it might have on the pitch .
18 But I am jolly sure that they would not let the government of the day , or their contemporary House of Commons , forget how important it is to supply water and to look after the sewers and drains .
19 The government 's starting point with regard to block funding was that they would not provide a safety net .
20 ‘ I … ’ and Creggan knew that they would not understand the truth if he tried to explain it .
21 Although the Prime Minister admitted having signed a document agreeing to the rebel demands , the security forces made it clear that they would not accept the validity of this contract .
22 Similarly , in response to the Feb. 19 announcement by the major car manufacturer Autolatina ( the holding company for Ford and Volkswagen in Brazil ) that it intended to shed 8,000 jobs , workers at two car plants in Sao Bernardo near Sao Paulo stopped production and blocked a highway , and leaders of the Sao Paulo Metal Worker 's Union stated that they would not accept the dismissals .
23 Now , if Clwyd or Gwynedd or any other county for that matter , within Wales or in England er , decided that in themselves that they would not implement the national recommendation er , then there duly would be all hell to pay , and rightly so !
24 We must be grateful to past landowners who planted in the knowledge that they would not see the results of their endeavours , but that successive generations would .
25 Reports of a deadlock emerged during preliminary discussions on Dec. 2 when representatives from the USA and the Cairns Group emphasized that they would not endorse a general trade agreement unless the EC cut farm support by 75 per cent and export subsidies by 90 per cent .
26 Instead democracy came to embody the more limited claim that the working class had the right to compete within the established state institutions and within the established society , with the clear expectation that they would not use the state to intervene in society to effect fundamental change .
27 ( The United States and West European countries had indicated that they would not support the continued accreditation of the National Government of Cambodia or NGC , formerly known as the CGDK , whose three component elements were the Khmers Rouges , the supporters of Prince Sihanouk and the anti-communist Khmer People 's National Liberation Front led by Son Sann . )
28 About a third said unequivocally that they would not support the repeal , and even the doubtfuls expressed their opinions in such a way as to leave no doubt about the strength of their reservations .
29 ‘ Some are still so frightened that they ca n't answer the phone . ’
30 He says it 's sad that the thieves are so cowardly that they ca n't face a cripple .
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