Example sentences of "that this [adj] [noun] [verb] be " in BNC.

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1 Just back from the South of France , Andrew thought jealously — together with York or Doncaster , such jaunts were forbidden pleasures for him , especially now that this new incubus had been fathered on him , all three were beyond possibility .
2 The agency gave assurances that this new evidence had been passed to the relevant prosecuting authorities , and it was this which had led to the prosecutors ' decision to withdraw from their plea bargain arrangement with Drogoul , thereby allowing him to change his plea to innocent .
3 It appears that this bloody bobby had been locked up two or three times .
4 The Daily Mail headline — Greenham girl 's ride to death — concentrated on the fact that this 29-year-old woman had been involved in the Greenham peace movement .
5 This blood and tissue loss is called menstruation and the day that this menstrual flow starts is traditionally the first day of the menstrual cycle .
6 The then Conservative Opposition roundly opposed that , and I am delighted that this Conservative Government have been able to correct that smear of dishonour .
7 A spokesman for Central TV explained gravely that this particular edition had been carefully monitored for balance of beastliness .
8 It is strange to relate that this well-known symbol has been comparatively neglected by social scientists and especially by social psychologists .
9 There are surprisingly few recordings from Europe or America to suggest that this important issue has been raised and discussed .
10 In the first place it is argued that this growing equality has been a ‘ relational ’ equality between men and women in the home .
11 It is an interesting thought that this whole design has been built up from a series of interlocking rectangles .
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