Example sentences of "that this [noun] be [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Bearing in mind the fact that Prince Metternich eventually left Vienna disguised in a laundry basket is not it clear that this incident is in the highest diplomatic tradition ?
2 Any devout follower of Sigmar is allowed a WP test to sense that this chamber is unlike the rest of the Castle , somehow more wholesome ( Cleric of Sigmar +20 , Initiate of Sigmar +10 ) .
3 The guardian ad litem takes the view that this decision is against the interests of the child and that in some way the inconvenience of the decision ought to be got round .
4 Mr Fosten is of the opinion that this jacket is of the period 1822–25 ; and Col Peter Walton , Secretary of the Army Museums Ogilby Trust , in a letter to the DSVF , writes : ‘ As to your expert opinion on the date of the jacket …
5 Christians would claim that this parable is at the very heart of the meaning of prayer .
6 He decided that this clergyman was in the clouds and out of the reach of the common man .
7 When it comes to really assist those who er of the so I I would be grateful if members would remember that this item is on the agenda because first of all petition received and secondly because there is no explanation in that not the time to discuss whether this application should be .
8 Tacitus tells us that this incursion was into the territory of Rome 's allies , and this could place it in the lower Severn , where Caratacus could have linked up with the other group of dissidents in the south-west still smarting from the operations of Vespasian , who with his sea-borne mobility swept right along the south coast , taking the Britons by surprise .
9 He was alarmed at the possibility that this lad was from the village and that the village was rife with gossip .
10 One can only surmise that this arrangement was for the programming convenience of the television station which covered the matches .
11 So , if a company has a virtual monopoly in a particular type of computer system , charges an exorbitant price for it and the Commission prepares a report to the effect that this situation is against the public interest , anyone will be able to apply for a compulsory licence to use the software .
12 And although the analyst questioned whether the additional labour in Rochester was completely justified by this , there is no doubt that this fact is at the heart of the differences in unit costs .
13 It would seem that this distinction was in the mind of the United Kingdom delegation in formulating their Working Document No. 10 , and that the subsequent references to ‘ discovery ’ served only to confuse the issues .
14 At the same time I became aware of the fact that this opera was on the stocks .
15 It was more than possible that this businessman was in the business of spying .
16 Francis Maginn dominated the proceedings and proposed a resolution in the following terms : That this Conference is of the opinion that the combined system , as advocated by Dr E M Gallaudet before the Royal Commission , is calculated to confer the greatest benefit upon the greatest number of the deaf and dumb .
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