Example sentences of "that he did [not/n't] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Though his theories of perception ‘ made him slip so easily into a feeling that nothing around him existed , or alternatively that he did not exist in anything around him ’ ( 66 ) , he dismisses his own supernatural powers as coincidence until they become too overwhelming to be ignored .
2 From an early age , Shah Jehan made it clear that he did not care for his third son , and instead increasingly lavished attention on the more amiable Dara Shukoh .
3 In GEC 's Patent , the hearing officer held that the initial onus fell on the employer to establish that he did not benefit from obtaining a patent .
4 Eliot , distressed , wrote to Wilson and to another of his champions , Gilbert Seldes , protesting that he did not want to be praised at Pound 's expense since be was indebted to Pound ( as indeed his dedication to Pound as il miglior fabbro had elegantly acknowledged ) .
5 All day long he insisted that they already knew who the fellow-Communists of his branch had been in the Forties and that he did not want to ‘ crawl through the mud for no purpose ’ .
6 Ronald Chalmers 's term of office as vice-chairman had been a year only , he said , and he had made it know that he did not want to be considered for an office-bearer 's position .
7 The other horses clonked and snorted softly in the darkness behind their partitions , so that he did not feel at all alone , but in a sort of family .
8 His great virtue was that he did not rely on a single visit , but frequently returned after a period of years and was able to comment on progress — or lack of it — and the way in which new legislation was being implemented .
9 I am surprised that he did not cite as evidence in support of his case the moral philosophy of his own Monklands District Council .
10 Yet later , after Mubarak 's death , Genet discovers that he did not sleep with women or men ; all of his sexuality was social : ‘ the warmth of that voice had the shy yet imperious sureness of an erect penis stroking a beloved cheek .
11 Not so guiltless , however , that he did not plunge into the warm , lively auditorium with a fervent desire to avoid introspection for a while .
12 Despite having over a year left on his contract , McHale told Foreman that he did not figure in his long-term plans .
13 King John may have been willing to agree to anything , even the dismemberment of his kingdom , in order to ensure that he did not die in prison ; but , as Professor Fowler remarked , the treaty was ‘ so preposterous that it is difficult to believe that it was ever intended seriously ’ .
14 It was evident that he did not know of any solution . ’
15 It can not be said of Barth that he did not know of evolution !
16 ‘ He told me , ’ said Hugh , ‘ as I think he told you , that he did not know in the darkness who the dead man might be .
17 Why , it might still be asked , did Franco go to so much trouble to give the impression that his regime had a basis other than sheer force , when that selfsame exercise made it clear that he did not need to ?
18 ( David Rockefellers older brother Nelson , who had recently died , had been almost a friend of the Shah ) Would either of them fly to Morocco and tell the Shah that the US government preferred that he did not come to America right now ?
19 At first they continued to rail against the regime , but Simpson 's ardour had cooled enough by July for the council to order his release , on condition that he did not come within ten miles of London .
20 This was enough to show that he did not object to the aid in principle ; but it was not enough to satisfy the king , who refused his offer and demanded £1000 .
21 All out 446 meant that England had a lot of batting to do in the last two days , and when Larkins went at the end of the third day to a ball that he did not see in the shadows , one felt they just were not going to make it .
22 They continued to feed , or stared out on the Zoo not looking in the direction of Minch at all ; while Creggan was so busy staring at Minch in delight and pleasure that he did not notice behind him , in the next-door cage , Slorne stare for the moment at Minch and then swing round and silently resume her vigil at the back top of her cage , looking at the trees and sky .
23 Richard Wilcock indicated that he did not wish to be considered for the new Editor position but continued to perform admirably and responsibly until another Editor had been installed .
24 Wolfgang Gläser was elected chair instead of Günter Hartmann ( elected on Nov. 2 — see p. 37024 ) , but resigned three days later , saying that he did not wish to be identified with the right-wing of the party .
25 That he did not depart of his own free will is abundantly evidenced by the fact that he left behind all his belongings and expressed the intention of being back within the period of four hours .
26 The only defence usually available to a valuer is that he did not act as an expert , but as an arbitrator in the full sense , and not as a " quasi-arbitrator " , considered in 14.6 .
27 But the Chancellor said in a series of television and radio interviews that he did not believe in ‘ trying to play silly games , political games ’ — and he would not rule out a further increase if it became necessary .
28 Frank said that he did not believe in God ; such a belief can not possibly be proved ; the good life is possible without it ; and the only faculty to judge is the reason , which tells us to say , we do not know .
29 We must remember that in 1600 , when Galileo was at Padua , the Inquisition had burned Giordano Bruno to death for daring to say that he did not believe in transubstantiation of bread into body and wine into the blood of Christ at the Eucharist .
30 He was also very tall and very charming , and he gave me to understand , although he never stated it , that he did not believe in the war or in a German victory .
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