Example sentences of "that he could [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He half hoped she would give him one of them by mistake so that he could make a scene , but she did n't .
2 He did this with very little effort , and I gave him small wooden cubes so that he could make a cube to keep .
3 My master finally realized that he could make a fortune by showing me to people all over the country .
4 Well , she felt in a fighting mood , and if he thought that he could make a fool of her in front of his girlfriend then he was in for a big surprise .
5 ‘ They do n't mind so much now I 've got a few trophies in a case that they can show their friends and boast about it , ’ Carlos Francis recollected his parents ' change of posture after it became evident that he could make a career out of soccer .
6 He found that he could make a speech — that is , he could think on his feet , and not be at a loss for words .
7 Of course , this group at Ephesus must have heard something about the Holy Spirit if they listened at all attentively to John the Baptist , but they did not realise that the promised Spirit was available for them ; that he could make a difference to their lives .
8 Following a short interview about the further offence , the officer whom he had requested to see told him that he could not ask him any questions about the early offence for which he had already been charged but said that he could make a statement if he wished .
9 BUILDER Les Jones has won so many awards for the quality of his work that he could justify a trophy room in his show house .
10 Murray was doubtful as to whether this would be enough ; but Heiton declared that he could send a couple of men into the Roxburgh township , to the alehouses and howffs , to spread the word that the Regent himself was in the vicinity .
11 And then he 'd buy a bit so that he could send a bit to the London market — not in a very big way but enough to utilize all the money he had to do what he was doing .
12 He found that he could pay a compliment to Charles Raven , from whom he was so sadly sundered in spirit , for his book on Religion and Science .
13 To the question , can ‘ high risk ’ situations be identified in advance , Professor Greenland told us that he could give an answer , ‘ a cautious yes — in some cases ’ .
14 But if he thought that he could goad a reaction out of her then he was sorely mistaken .
15 He did n't believe that he could start a movement which would lead directly to the abolition of British erm armaments , the rejection of the atomic bomb or anything of that kind .
16 The SNP leader , Alex Salmond , has already made clear that he could tolerate a deal with Labour .
17 And lastly , when we reached Magdalen Bridge , Dennis insisted on coming alongside so that he could visit an off-licence at the Plain and buy a bottle of champagne , the sale being recorded in his credit card records .
18 He was hoping , no doubt , to be told that Mr Wilcox was n't in yet , so that he could leave a message for Vic to ring back , thus putting him on the defensive , knowing that his divisional chief knew that he , Vic , had n't been at his desk as early as him , Stuart Baxter .
19 Rory thought now that his brother must have exaggerated the story , made it more horrific than it really had been , and he certainly did n't believe that Lachy had run away to sea just so that he could wear an eye-patch and pretend he was a pirate .
20 thought that he could create an advantage by shipping some Russian rocket missiles to his friend , Fidel Castro , in the island of Cuba , so that he would be able to use them as a threat against the continent of North America , a comparatively short distance away .
21 At breakfast , having walked the governor 's garden , they talked to a couple of officers who had fought the Indians in America , making Johnson wish he lived there so that he could write a book about them .
22 At first he had thought that he could write a plain , exact verse with no figurative language , in which a yellow chair was the thing itself , a yellow chair , as a round gold apple was an apple or a sunflower a sunflower .
23 When the Germans invaded the Soviet Union in 1941 , Mussolini thought the war would be over in a matter of weeks , and so that he could claim a share of the spoils for Italy he offered to send troops to the Russian front .
24 A theatrical gentleman approached me after one of the performances , said he was impressed by my singing , and that he could obtain a part for me with the Schikenader Company in Vienna .
25 He was aware that Ballater was looking at his hands and assured him that he could wield a spade perfectly well .
26 Gascoigne said in a Channel Four interview that he plans to have ‘ a private word ’ with the England boss following remarks which had suggested that he could have a drinking problem .
27 None the less , the universality of this practice is attested by one wit who told Brown that he would like to die before him , so that he could have a look at heaven before Brown ‘ improved ’ it .
28 Not for Lexandro the dubious privilege of being surgically altered so that he could operate a lathe more speedily !
29 An operator suggested designing a special apron to hold all three parts so that he could save a second and a half per car .
30 At first they assumed that he could find a place among the steep woods behind Camserney and be supplied by their good friends Donald and Aileen Gillies at the mill .
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