Example sentences of "that he have been [vb pp] into " in BNC.

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1 His fingernails were broken and bloody from when he had thrown himself at the door and torn at it , in the moment when he realised that he had been shut into the stall , and what was going to happen next .
2 Never mind the narrow life that he had been born into ; his tiny presence seemed to make all the suffering and pain his birth had caused worthwhile .
3 She even hinted that he had been bullied into it by his wife .
4 To avoid giving the impression that he had been suckered into coming by US military intelligence , and any reluctance he might feel in consequence to talk freely , Coleman was told to take George home to the family lake house near Auburn , Alabama , and to set him up for questioning by saying that the FBI routinely interviewed all students from the Middle East .
5 Corbett spent the rest of the evening analysing what he knew and had learnt but soon realised that he had been drawn into a maze of marshy morass and the more he probed , the more puzzled he became .
6 Morton was on the point of killing the Dragoon when the soldier begged for quarter , adding that he had been forced into the army and had not wanted to be a soldier .
7 The First Deputy Chair of the Supreme Council , Andrejs Krastins , claimed in an Interior Ministry statement reported on May 5 that accusations in the Atmoda-Atpute newspaper that he had been recruited into the KGB in 1980 for three years were an attempt to compromise the resolution .
8 We are sorry that Mr Blake is ill , and sorry , too , that he has been misled into thinking that experiments on mice can tell anyone anything about a human being .
9 The agony of Othello 's realization that he has been duped into killing Desdemona is one of the two or three most intense sequences in Shakespeare .
10 It was certainly a more honest confession than George Bush ever managed , and by saying that he has been forced into this decision by an expanding deficit which has gone ‘ beyond even the worst official government estimates from last year ’ , he is also confronting Americans with some central truths about their economic situation .
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