Example sentences of "that he [conj] [pers pn] [is] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Unlike a real victim , the interview underdog needs to remember that he or she is also in a position to evaluate .
2 The trick here , and in the scores of near-novels that have followed in its wake , is to make the reader , or disciple , imagine that he or she is just as erudite into the bargain : no need to struggle through Dante or The Song of Roland when it is all there in one fat detective story .
3 It is perhaps possible to say that a particular child tends towards introversion and , further , that he or she is therefore more likely to engage with characters such as Tom in Philippa Pearce 's Tom 's midnight garden , Max in Pauline Clarke 's The twelve and the genii , or Tolly in Lucy Boston 's Green Knowe stories , than a more extrovert reader .
4 For example , expressed guilt may be so deep as to become delusional , generalised to the point where the individual believes that he or she is personally responsible for some major catastrophe or for all of the evil that exists in the world .
5 If Ayer then tells the theist that he or she is still unable to make meaningful theological statements , then it can not surely be on the basis of the verification principle , the principle by which he claims to distinguish meaningful from meaningless statements .
6 Later comes a point of being unable to accept the loss , very often searching for the person who has gone and thinking that he or she is still there .
7 The second problem is that even if a motorist — despite all the odds — actually adheres to the recommended limits , all the evidence points to the fact that he or she is still driving too fast for the safety of local residents .
8 Strike up some personal rapport with the person in charge Of the centre so that he or she is more likely to go that extra mile for you .
9 A great many assessment systems are competitive in that the extrinsic rewards they offer are in short supply and each student who wants them is asked to demonstrate that he or she is more deserving than others , or others are less deserving .
10 Where a registered foreign lawyer who would , apart from this rule , be required to pay an annual contribution or special levy , claims , and the Council agrees , that he or she is so covered in respect of dishonesty or failure to account , whether by a compensation fund other than the Solicitors ' Compensation Fund , or by an indemnity fund other than the Solicitors ' Indemnity Fund , or by compulsory insurance , that there is a substantial reduction in the risk to the Solicitors ' Compensation Fund in respect of his or her practice in comparison with the risk presented by a solicitor practising in a like manner , the Council may reduce that annual contribution or special levy to such amount as the Council thinks fit or to zero .
11 This is not to say that the child or young person is always right ; it is , perhaps , to say that he or she is seldom completely wrong .
12 This stressed-out poor performer is motivated by the fear that he or she is highly disposable , and that if they ease up on their workload the axe will fall .
13 Society tells your drug friend living in the squats that he or she is incurably evil .
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