Example sentences of "that i do not [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But you will die too , and that I do not regret at all .
2 If others point out to me that I always shirk opportunities to get something which I earnestly insist that I desire more than anything else in the world , I shall be persuaded to relinquish it as an end only if on reflection I am forced to admit to myself that I do not feel about it as strongly as I supposed .
3 HEAVEN is my witness that I do not want to be unfair to British Telecom , so I must , with frank and honest gaze , report that I have had several letters saying that I am up the pole in carrying on about the method of charging recently mentioned in this column .
4 He said , ‘ I think I ought to tell you that I do not grieve for my mother . ’
5 They called the film they made about me Too Long a Winter , and I have to declare immediately that I do not care for winter at all , for neither mind nor body agrees with it .
6 This does not mean that I do not believe in the existence of genuine déjà vu experiences — indeed I have already shown that I do .
7 I regret that I do not know at what level the exemption was first introduced .
8 Delaunay , who earlier in the year had held an important exhibition together with Marie Laurencin at the Galerie Barbazanges , did not show at the Section d'Or , and wrote an open letter to Vauxcelles : ‘ I beg to inform you that I do not subscribe to the erroneously held opinions of Monsieur Hourcade which proclaim me as a founder of Cubism together with four of my colleagues and friends .
9 Some , at least , of this confusion and inconsistency arise out of misunderstanding as to what is meant by Wages for Housework , so before proceeding any further I propose to change the term in order to indicate ( a ) that I am not spokeswoman for , nor even in complete agreement with , the campaign of that name ; ( b ) that I do not propose to be sidetracked into an interesting discussion of the precise scientific definition of ‘ wage ’ ; what I am talking about is cash , money , pound notes , that to which a housewife is not entitled , that to which she should be ; and ( c ) that there is housework and housework .
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