Example sentences of "that i [be] [adj] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 This is one case where , again , I make the point that I am proud to stand here and support the policies of the Adam Smith Institute which every Tory Member should also support , but unfortunately they are afraid to do so because they are facing a general election , knowing that they will be out of power within six months .
2 I do hope that I am able to report thus next month .
3 I just say that I 'm sorry go on do n't want to be dejective this evening but I mean minutes will be taken notes will be taken points have been raised I think that 's a very valuable point that you 've actually have raised .
4 That I 'm able to offer specially designed , hand-painted tiling lifts my kitchens out of the ordinary and helps me to market them .
5 a cup of coffee that I 'm ready to get on .
6 Erm the principle aim of the new settlement would be to meet the needs of Greater York and one area that I 'm afraid has n't been considered yet , but which I think may well come out in connection with the employment policies in due course , is whether or not a new settlement in Selby would actually conflict with the underlying policies of Selby for development .
7 I suppose I have to admit that I was stupid to speak so frankly in front of my fath …
8 There are some people who think that I was wrong to give away my crown .
9 ‘ I had to leave when my father died , to look after my mother , and it was n't until the late Sixties that I was free to go back to work .
10 That took an hour , and made me so tired that I was able to lie down and go to sleep .
11 Once through that I was able to run again .
12 Even when I was going to school I was doing gigs , and when I finished with school I was doing gigs , and when I finished with school I realised that I was able to get by with just the gigs .
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