Example sentences of "that you can [vb infin] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It has been argued that you can identify a person 's class according to his dress , manner of speech , address , attitude to education , leisure habits etc .
2 Make sure you know the care instructions so that you can tell the customer how the item should be washed or stored .
3 Like Eric you 'll discover that you can tell the difference !
4 can understand that you can do the rest on your own
5 Having worked out what you are going to do and being satisfied that you can do the work as well , if not better , than everyone else , how do the public get to find out about you so that you can start putting your specialism into practice ?
6 Once you know that you can manifest a parking space whenever you need it , you will be open to making the ‘ impossible ’ happen .
7 To cut a long story short , the discovery of the sixties was that you can measure a range of attitudes to each of a group of competing brands , and get a clear , coherent pattern of differences between them : what is more , you can repeat the process at intervals , and monitor changes in these attitudes .
8 Variable power means that you can adjust the wattage to control the amount of suction — useful when cleaning delicate items such as upholstery and curtains .
9 A pair of good cotton gloves make working with chocolate that much easier as they increase the length of time that you can handle the chocolate before it melts .
10 Janette Marshall discovers that you can forget the meat — but not the two veg
11 And it does seem to me that erm I ca n't quite understand why it 's possible or it seems to be an argument that you can accommodate a bit more development , squash a bit development into Leeds and Bradford and it does n't matter very much .
12 3 It should preferably have clear glass or plastic on all sides so that you can view the web clearly .
13 I know that you can move a tank forward , curve the backdrop and shine lights down the back to add brightness and depth , but I have no room space for this .
14 Try to plot the result on approximately the same scale as figure 9.10 so that you can compare the result with the economy in general .
15 Are you aware that you can choose a bed with either soft , medium or firm springing , depending on your weight ?
16 The accessories come in three distinct qualities — Standard , Superior , and High Tech — so that you can choose the quality of the accessory needed for the job in hand , and the quality of finish required .
17 The High Elf Army list has been designed so that you can choose an army to a previously fixed points value .
18 The Orc and Goblin Army list has been designed so that you can choose an army to a points value agreed by you and your opponent .
19 The Empire army list has been designed so that you can choose an army to a previously fixed points value .
20 For example , if some of the roses will be perfumed , then ideally they should be placed near the path , so that you can smell the scent as you walk past and , if you wish to bury your nose in the flower , you wo n't have to trample halfway over the flower bed to reach the appropriate bloom .
21 There must be some affinity between you and the man or woman on the printed page — something that you recognise not because you are ‘ just like that ’ but because you feel that you can interpret the situation with those words .
22 As you do each of the exercises , place a hand on the part of the body that is being stretched or toned so that you can feel the benefit as you go along .
23 They save energy , prolong the life of the bulbs and mean that you can control the intensity of your light at will .
24 Before you try it on your garment , knit a test piece of band so that you can perfect the technique .
25 You will , no doubt , be amazed to find that you can recite the list in order quite easily .
26 and the biggest pro for a fax that I can think of is that you can send the message and that 's that , there 's no risk of it dribbling on into , into doubt
27 Besides , he 'd learned a long time before that you can love a person without loving what they do .
28 Did you know that you can stop a train four times for the price of a seat change ?
29 Yes , it says on the thing that you can attach a job description to the back , but I should say that probably they want it appraisals that you get back , there is n't a job description attached and there 's nothing written on the board .
30 Unless the wind is very strong , if it is obvious that you can reach the field , it is useful to open full airbrake for a few seconds immediately after the final turn to check that you can undershoot .
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