Example sentences of "that you can [verb] [pron] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 but the idea is to get their ideas so that you can tell somebody else how you do it on your side then you can tell somebody else
2 So you still reckon that you can do it in , well how long , how long do you reckon it will take you ?
3 The reason why the Nazis persecuted the Jews was so that people would forget their own problems ; perhaps the reason you do this is so that you can blame someone else for your failings ?
4 So it is just as important to know what it is about your organisation that customers value so that you can promote it fully .
5 If your kick is such that you can pull it back and reassume your original stance , it is too weak to score .
6 a bit more daylight so that you can go it more , in the morning and you 're not dashing back you can have a full day
7 In this exercise you will prove to yourself that you can invent something quite new , a change which perhaps connects with your own life but is seen from the outside , happening to someone else .
8 It is the same with the notion that you can bring everybody up to the average .
9 I mean , you 've got to bear in mind that God created the , the heavens and , and the earth and any human that 's er in God 's memory who 's is deceased out the way , if you 've got enough faith , you can believe that you can bring anything back
10 " In a small garden , I think it 's nice to use lots so that you can move them around and build up height where you might not have any .
11 Stick the balls on knitting needles so that you can hold them easily while you 're painting and then stand the knitting needles in a jar so that the heads can dry safely .
12 It needs to be full somebody said that you can wrap them up in these papers and they stay frozen .
13 Some D words and some B words so that you can sort it out cos the only way you the only the only person really who can make sure it works is you .
14 In part three next month , we suggest ways of originating your own artwork so that you can design your very own printed circuit boards .
15 Ironically , considering they are bought mainly by people who do n't need to ask the price , Armani considers that the selling point of his signature clothes is that you can wear them forever .
16 assesses employees in the broad context so that you can show them where they fit in
17 Getting a six foot six quilted rug in a domestic washing machine is often impossible ; the only answer is to wash it by hand in the bath ) and hope that you can clean it out before the rest of the family notice ) or find a launderette that will accept horse rugs .
18 It will be videoed , to se you 'll make two applications within that small group session and a second will be videoed but only for you to see so that you can take it away and try and learn from er seeing yourself on video .
19 As your stock of effects grows , you will need to catalogue them by tape-number and counter-reference so that you can find them easily when you need them .
20 My advice is to locate it when it is bright , and then memorize its position so that you can find it again when it has faded .
21 But should your ferret escape , become hungry and — once its muzzle has rotted through — enjoy itself in someone else 's hen roost , there is no way that you can claim it back .
22 All the clothes are chosen carefully , so that you can get them on without discomfort to the patient .
23 The slowness of the process means that you can fill it up with all the necessary ingredients for your soup , stew , casserole , risotto , or pudding , before you go out in the morning and you will arrive home to a wonderful smell and a meal that is instantly ready .
24 As a result , it has been designed to de-rig easily , in about ten or fifteen minutes and , would you believe it , he can supply a trailer that you can tow it home in .
25 Sample l shows the neckband with the row which was knitted by hand in a contrast colour so that you can see it more clearly .
26 If you have a lead rising main , it may well be that you can see it only at the mains stopcock , after which it disappears into the wall to re-emerge in the loft covered with sacking on its way to the cold water cistern .
27 Yes , I mean we 're not in the position to do what some of the , certainly I know some of the banks do , which is to guarantee a job after five years , let people have five years , you know , the maternity leave plus a guaranteed job at the end of another four when the kids start school , on the proviso that you can call them in if you need them within that period , for a bit of extra help .
28 The advantage of building a wardrobe entirely from scratch is that you can tailor it exactly to fit the space available .
29 The chats sound untutored and Cockney , but there 's depth here : ‘ Ununited Kingdom ’ puts down on to vinyl some of the chaos of London life , the violent , wasteful mess of street trouble — not that you can hear it too clearly .
30 Do n't try and answer something you do not understand in the hope that you can work it out as you go along .
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