Example sentences of "that a [noun sg] [verb] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But because the correspondence between graphological and phonological features is far from precise , it can not be said that a writer has actually represented the speech style of a character .
2 The result is that women typically become ‘ equal ’ by having to do more , to stretch themselves to work as hard as a man , even when experiencing bodily processes that a male has never experienced .
3 Suppose , first , that a company has just developed a new product with an estimated life-cycle as shown in table 5.1 .
4 In the Legion , there was no guarantee that a man had even used a flushing loo before .
5 It would n't be the first time that a man had lovingly supported a woman through crisis only to discover that when she was strong again his own need was to confine her in a dependent role .
6 Yet , now that a man has actually come , I realise that my hopes were too simple .
7 I had the feeling on reading it that a dam had just burst , and that she had a great deal more to say .
8 Into the Finn 's head there had strayed , not to be expelled , the words of an English nursery rhyme that a child had once recited to him .
9 Suppose that a firm decided never to pay dividends , preferring instead to reward shareholders entirely through capital gains .
10 It is the first time that a country has ever won three successive Test matches , each against a different country ( in this case West Indies , Sri Lanka and New Zealand ) .
11 There are , however , a few indications that a header has just passed :
12 By Royal Invitation ( 1988 ) related , for example , that the Queen was suspicious about the number 13 , that a footman had once fallen in love with Princess Margaret , and that Prince Charles disliked chocolate cakes , but manifested a distinct partiality for Bath Olivers .
13 How much time must elapse before it can be decided that a programme has seriously degenerated , that it is incapable of leading to the discovery of new phenomena ?
14 Anselm was to learn too late that a landowner had more to fear from grasping tenants beneath him than from the king above .
15 Some of the features of alcoholism in its terminal phase are so well known that a cartoonist has only to draw a couple of lines for everyone to know that the subject is a " drunk " .
16 On one site the author recalls contacting the oldest locals , who advised that a site had only flooded once in living memory and they were only too pleased to point out a ’ flood line ’ still just visible on a number of buildings in the area after 30 years .
17 There was a particularly piquant episode when it had been reported to him that a meeting had allegedly taken place somewhere in the country , where Jenkins was supposed to have organised his cabal .
18 Finally the fact that a covenantor agrees only to sell to another who will accept a restraint is not in itself unreasoanble : Esso Petroleum Co Ltd v Harper 's George ( Stourport ) Ltd [ 1968 ] AC 269 per Lord Reid .
19 Then her anger was roused again as she saw that a van had double parked alongside her yellow Metro City .
20 In birds , therefore , the fact that a female has already mated does not mean that the paternity of her offspring is assured .
21 After paying off the driver Nathan steered her into a busy , softly lit restaurant , and she had to admit he had guessed correctly that a meal did indeed top her list of priorities .
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