Example sentences of "that it is [adj] that the " in BNC.

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1 It seems to me therefore , without laying down the proposition that the Moray Firth is for every purpose within the territorial sovereignty , it can at least be clearly said that the appellant can not make out his proposition that it is inconceivable that the British legislature should attempt for fishery regulation to legislate against all and sundry in such a place .
2 In the event that it is apparent that the case will , in fact , be contested , either because liability is to be denied or because the parties are too far apart in their assessment of the issues in dispute , now is the appropriate time to consider what further evidence is required for the Proof and whether the evidence that is available is adequate and sufficient for its purpose .
3 Provision is made for deferred taxation only to the extent that it is probable that the tax will become payable , and is at the rate at which it is estimated that the tax will be paid .
4 Dealing firstly with the question of risk , it is our view that if the balance of medical evidence is that the deterioration will occur , then that is more than a risk and the appropriate course is for the Court to award damages on the basis that it is probable that the deterioration will occur .
5 Does my hon. Friend agree that it is appalling that the Opposition whinge on about the failure of this country to export , when we know that what we need from both sides of the House is unanimity to help exporters and not complaints about them ?
6 I was not aware — I have not yet received reports — of that demonstration , but I believe that it is ironic that the IRA and its supporters should at the same time be enjoying the privileges of democracy and using the methods of terrorism .
7 ‘ I think that it is tremendous that the Australian Wine Bureau is offering so many people the chance to play tennis competitively at great venues and I am looking forward to passing on a few tips to the winners — before joining them in a celebratory glass of Australian wine . ’
8 Does he agree that it is good that the British farming community is not as violent as appears to be the case on the continent ?
9 As the Ruddock case has shown , the standard of review employed in national security cases is set so high that it is possible that the Tribunal could be compelled to refrain from interfering with discretionary decisions taken for this reason .
10 The Breton later became part originator of the Canadian breed , so that it is possible that the genes of the extinct small Cornish cattle are perpetuated on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean .
11 The argument from analogy with which we shall be concerned here admits that it is possible that the objects we call persons are , other than ourselves , mindless automata , but claims that we none the less have sufficient reason for supposing this not to be the case .
12 A year earlier Matisse had show his painting Le Bonheur de Vivre ( Barnes Foundation , Merrion , Penn. ) at the Salon des Indépendants , where it had received a great deal of attention , and during the winter of 1907 Derain was engaged in painting a canvas of bathers ( Museum of Modern Art , New York ) which he intended to show at the Indépendants of 1907 , so that it is possible that the Demoiselles may have been prompted by a spirit of rivalry .
13 The article states : ’ estimates of the project 's cost have escalated from £457 million to £1.4 billion ’ — the figure mentioned by my hon. Friend — and that it is possible that the scheme will not go ahead .
14 If you write " the second novel Dickens produced was called Oliver Twist " , then you are explicitly asserting that it is true that the second novel Dickens produced was called Oliver Twist .
15 We have asked the Commission for greater consistency in labelling and colour coding for the beef , and we have told Moscow that it is vital that the meat is released on to the market straight .
16 Does the Secretary of State agree that it is vital that the public inquiry in Leicestershire establishes the circumstances that permitted the regime of terror to go on for so long and that permitted complaints made by the children to be ignored for long ?
17 She says that it is vital that the work is carried out as soon as possible — there 's a danger to groundwater and the environment .
18 She says that it is vital that the work is carried out as soon as possible — there 's a danger to groundwater and the environment .
19 She says that it is vital that the work is carried out as soon as possible — there 's a danger to groundwater and the environment .
20 She says that it is vital that the work is carried out as soon as possible — there 's a danger to groundwater and the environment .
21 In discussing the question of the possible use of the atomic bomb , Farrar-Hockley concludes that it is unlikely that the bombs could have been used in Korea without prior consultation , as ‘ honour and American political interest would have combined to militate against such a course ’ ( p. 386 ) .
22 We conclude that it is unlikely that the increase of X-box binding factor observed in RJ2.2.5 is due to any of the mechanisms discussed above .
23 Our data suggest that it is unlikely that the mechanism of this apparent synergy is enhanced depression of prostaglandin synthesis .
24 a There are far more cases in which each party is only known to have married once , but the evidence is so fragmentary that it is likely that the figures seriously underestimate the number of second , third and fourth marriages .
25 The answer is that it is likely that the other behaviours are part of the tantrum .
26 Does my hon. Friend agree that it is regrettable that the same unions that stopped the sick from getting to hospital in 1978 and 1979 are showing the same callous disregard — or at least their leaderships are doing so — for the needs of patients ?
27 I have no wish to tread on the toes of colleagues who have legitimate local interests , but from the national standpoint , I think that it is regrettable that the link will not take that route .
28 Does my right hon. Friend agree that it is significant that the two major hospitals in Kidderminster district health authority have increased the number of in-patients treated over the past eight years by 14 per cent ?
29 I would be surprised if he did not agree with me that it is wrong that the Tate can buy only one picture a year .
30 My Lords for reasons that have already been explained to Your Lordships and which I will not pursue yet for , er it seems that everybody 's agreed that it is important that the erm local authority representatives should be in the majority and I have to admit that my amendments do not go that far because I was concentrating on getting the magistrates back where they ought to be , er but er that is one thing , the other is that it er was an interesting point that er the Noble Lord , Lord of Greenwich raised , that my Noble Friend Lord Whitelaw er at columns four eighty and four eight one er questioned whether it was indeed appropriate that er the Home Secretary should make these appointments .
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