Example sentences of "that it be [verb] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Counterfeiting is a multi million pound industry and all the signs are that it 's growing at an alarming rate .
2 Consequently , it can be planned so that it is raised at the most appropriate time for it to be dealt with effectively .
3 For instance , it is compatible with the results of all actual and possible measurements to hold either that the universe is of a fixed size or that it is expanding at a constant rate .
4 If they ask for an explanation and are told that it is shooting at a wooden bird in the graveyard with bows and arrows , they may think they are being hoaxed .
5 or anything like that and I will make the point that it is targeted at a sector of the economy and the workforce , it is not the whole economy and not the whole workforce .
6 Stewardship of our resources , as well as respect for the preferences of many of our people , demands that it be maintained at a high level .
7 The PAC also expressed its discontent at the name of CODESA — it had proposed " conference for a constituent assembly " — and the venue — it had urged that it be held at a " neutral " venue , outside South Africa .
8 If the National Health Service Management Executive was to tackle this issue it might find that it was pushing at an open door .
9 He submitted that it was reached at a time when the essential principles of the law of negligence were established and properly represented the result of the application of those principles .
10 So successful was the system that it was reintroduced at the beginning of World War II .
11 It is scarcely conceivable in the political climate of the time that the alternative would have been adopted as a matter of policy , but that it was avoided at the cost of serious reductions in the level of policing in much of the country suggests a conscious choice .
12 You can not deduce from the fact that it was happening at the same time that it was a cause .
13 All four men stood in the room and Farrell raised the pistol once more so that it was aimed at the agent 's head .
14 It was because the parties had all analysed the nature of the problem we had to decide in the same way that it was agreed at the outset of the hearing before us that the central question we had to answer was this : in what capacity are High Court judges sitting when they sit as visitors to the Inns of Court in disciplinary cases ?
15 Pinnacle , based in Columbus , Ohio , had originally planned to use the Texas Instruments Inc 64-bit SuperSparc that Sun is using in its latest workstations , but realised some time ago that it was waiting at the back of a long line of manufacturers queuing for a trickle of SuperSparcs being thrown their way .
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