Example sentences of "that it be [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The difficulty I think that we 're facing , is that it 's happening in year two of a four year transition period , before we 've really got to grips with what the long-term position is , what the overall demands are , and to what degree we are going to be able to model , change , control and , and influence those demands .
2 A charity stunt team which drives volunteers through a tunnel of fire has been warned by experts that it 's dicing with death .
3 ‘ But I think that it 's asking for trouble to let the bookies open so late .
4 so we want to do is look at that one and we see that it 's keeping on track and er it 's doing the things that we actually want to do
5 It says it expects to offer a wireless electronic messaging service by the end of the year , and that it is aiming for beta testing during the summer .
6 Lord Ackner referred , at p. 827 , to the function of the visitor as being the supervision ‘ of the internal rules of the foundation so that it is governed in accordance with those private laws which the founder has laid down … ’
7 The object that it is looking at will be many times larger than a single receptive field .
8 The reality of the process of change is that it is conducted in context .
9 Instead its Boston , Massachusetts-based unit is developing an emulation product called HVX which will enable GCOS 6 applications to run under AIX on the forthcoming multi-processor RS/6000s that it is developing in conjunction with IBM .
10 Some scientists believe that it is caused by water pollution .
11 The scent trail of the ant is released as a liquid ( which evaporates ) on the ground ; but it is known that it is perceived by scent rather than taste .
12 We are told that federalism means different things to different people , that it is a benign arrangement which does not centralise but pushes power downwards to the people and the regions and that it is based on subsidiarity .
13 The problem with this approach however is that it is based on opportunism rather than commitment .
14 But it is difficult to get there and to find people being tortured ; it is such a horrible activity that it is done in secret .
15 It is currently a prerequisite of a qualifying corporate bond that it is expressed in sterling and contains no provision for conversion into , or redemption in , a currency other than sterling .
16 The problem is that the company has only limited ISDN capacity at the moment because of the way that it is implemented at telephone exchanges .
17 We grabbed the baby from her cot and crouched down in the hall of our house , thankful that it is made of concrete rather than wood .
18 The quality of dried pasta varies enormously — always check that it is made from durum wheat .
19 Citizens have an obligation to obey law by virtue of the fact that it is made in accordance with established procedures .
20 The design process must be managed so that it is completed to quality within cost and time targets and with all necessary decisions having been taken and expressed fully and clearly in specifications and drawings .
21 But this rule is not so simple as at first sight it looks , for it means , not that priority is gained by registration , but that it is lost through failure to register .
22 Eliot does not see primitive religion as a necessary basis for Christianity , ‘ I do not believe that Christianity germinates out of natural religion , but that it is given by revelation . ’
23 Evans & Sutherland Computer Corp says the Freedom 1000 and 3000 3D graphics accelerators that it is to sell on Sun Microsystems Inc platforms ( UX No 407 ) , have been designed as processor-independent units which could well end up on other CPU architectures in future , though none were mentioned specifically .
24 The only possible explanation is that it is employed by mother cats when out with their nearly fully-grown kittens , to help focus their attention on potential prey , as part of a general hunt-training process .
25 I know that it is to do with trash and shit , and that it is wrong in time .
26 Even if the money is paid in the action accompanied by a declaration that it is paid without prejudice to the payer 's right to recover it , the payment is a voluntary payment , and the transaction is closed .
27 Even if the money is paid in the action accompanied by a declaration that it is paid without prejudice to the payer 's right to recover it , the payment is a voluntary payment , and the transaction is closed .
28 The hypothetical action of VPDPR is that it is released from procolipase in the duodenum during digestion , is actively or passively absorbed , passes through the circulation to act on a receptor site in the central nervous system , and so inhibits , in the short term , further consumption of food , specifically that food which contains fat .
29 If on the other hand you have access to a colour television set at the place where you are staying , you may be able to use this instead , provided that it can be tuned to your camcorder 's signal output and assuming that it is designed for use on the same television standard as the camcorder , eg UK PAL for machines sold in Great Britain ( see page 153 ) .
30 The IPG states clearly that it is designed for advice workers , but many instances have proved that clients have used it successfully when left to browse by hard-pressed advisers — an indication of its clarity of exposition and potential as a tool for those members of the public who feel they can cope without personal assistance and someone to listen .
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