Example sentences of "that it [vb past] be [vb pp] that " in BNC.

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1 Reporting the statement , Reuters said that it had been assumed that Pol Pot was directing the Khmers Rouges from secret bases .
2 It was standard procedure for such conglomerates to collect contemporary art , now that it had been recognized that such art was plentiful , reasonably affordable , and able to yield substantial returns .
3 The majority of their lordships rejected this argument and held that it had been intended that a customer who accepted the offer by buying four gallons would thereby become entitled in law to have a World Cup coin .
4 Helen whispered to Sarah that it had been confirmed that she was pregnant and the baby was due in late November .
5 ‘ But I understood that it had been arranged that one of us was to go into each room . ’
6 Deal or no mysterious deal , now that it had been established that he had not tracked her down all she wanted was for him to go .
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