Example sentences of "with [pron] [conj] [pers pn] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And God was very good to me there , I was n't the brightest in the year and I had to work very hard , but God always was with me as I always passed my exams much to my surprise .
2 Look , Bob Newman has worked with me as you well know .
3 ‘ But as soon as we got to the line I realised he was going to keel over with me and I just hopped off in time .
4 ‘ A midwife went through it all with me and I actually asked her to reassure me that nothing I was doing could harm my own baby , ’ she remembers .
5 The neighbours do n't have nothing to do with me and I only see me mam once a week or so .
6 You 're having some row between yourselves and it 's nothing to do with me and you never want to listen to me and — ’
7 Running behind him just seemed effortless and when I kicked he did n't go with me and he gradually dropped back as I kept the pace up . ’
8 ‘ I floored the car into reverse and dragged him with me until he finally got smart and let go .
9 Erm , you 'll have to bear with me because I just marked the page as I went through .
10 But they had all their equipment with them and they just stood on the deck and underneath below deck were the people who rowed the boats over .
11 I told him that I did n't mix with them and it never came into my life or my conversation . ’
12 But I 'm not very well with them and I just think they 're terrible .
13 Yeah Charlotte you always , I hate the way you always relent and you always say oh well , you know , I should n't be angry with them cos they just wanted some fun and you know , never mind eh , sort of thing and you know , you suc yeah but why do you succumb
14 He deduced that the nomadic Hebrews had their origins there and had brought no more than a handful of the place names with them when they eventually settled in Palestine .
15 And suppose suppose that you 've been dancing with somebody and you really do n't like them at all .
16 Right , do n't spend most of your time trying to come to grips with something that you just do n't understand .
17 I feel far mo , less sympathy and far less identification with her than I perhaps do with a male worker who has to cope with the same kind of exploitation that I do , day in , day out .
18 For example , a defendant will presumably not be able to say that he injured the complainant intending to have sexual intercourse with her but she then consented .
19 She had thought he would wipe the floor with her if he ever learned of her deception .
20 A cup of coffee in bed for Beth — he always brings her one and fears it would all be over with her if he ever stopped .
21 He says it was very exciting to work with her because he never knew what she was going to do from one take to another .
22 I did n't go with her and I never knew what happened .
23 Fru Gertlinger knew that Elisabeth did not want to unpick the past with her and she never made mention of it .
24 Yet if we deny the creature this understanding , which even Clark himself seems to acknowledge , yet insist with him that it nonetheless fears death , then it is in the distinctly paradoxical position of fearing something of which it could not , in any sense , be aware .
25 I remonstrated with him but he just laughed in my face . ’
26 I did go out with one of me mates once and he was going burgling and I needed to do one 'cos I had no money or nothing , strung out , and he went to the Old Hall Estate and broke into a house and I got in through the window with him and I just looked around and saw all these photographs of , y'know like , the family that lived there with the kids and that and I just got this horrible feeling , so I just got out the window and walked away , even though I was strung out and I did n't pick nothing up , I just left him to it ‘ cos , like , though all the burglaries I 'd done , they 'd all been shops .
27 It is no longer face to face with him but is integrated with him and it progressively absorbs him .
28 Earthy type , she used to say , but it was all talk with him and he never gave her any trouble that she told me about . ’
29 His last customer took the smile with him as he unwillingly left the warm room and limped back with chattering teeth to the unwelcoming flat at the top of the stone stairs .
30 Thus confidential data can be stored on such a disk and the user of this data can physically remove it , even take it home with him if he so desires , thereby ensuring that the information can not be seen by any unauthorised persons This control over sensitive data coupled with the fact that the computer is personal to one user at a time gives the operator a greater sense of confidence in , and control over , the machine he is using .
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