Example sentences of "with [art] [noun sg] [prep] power [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , with the advent to power of the Peruvian military radicals in 1968 , the brief rule of left-wing General Torres in Bolivia in 1970 and the election of Chile 's popular Unity in September 1970 , the arguments for a ‘ peaceful road ’ acquired far greater force .
2 The growth and consolidation of the nation state is intimately connected , in all its phases , with the rise to power of the bourgeoisie .
3 Beginning with the transfer of power in India and Pakistan in 1947 , through the retreat from Egypt , and the rapid withdrawal from Africa in the Macleod period in the late 1950s and early 1960s , the rapidity and lack of tension with which Britain shed her imperial domain is perhaps the most notable of tributes to national stability and , possibly , maturity in the post-war world .
4 Although over the moon with it generally , I am disappointed with the lack of power in the naturally aspirated diesel engine .
5 Political sociologists often claim that they are concerned with the study of power in its social context ( see Bottomore , 1979 , p. 7 ) .
6 The term ‘ pluralism ’ has , at least in empirical political science , become most closely associated with the study of power in American urban government and , in particular , with the community power debate of the 1950s and 1960s .
7 CENTO had already ceased to be a threat to the Soviet Union in the Middle East with the assumption of power by the Ba'ath Party in Iraq .
8 This grew with the coming to power of de Gaulle and the personal understanding he was able to reach with Adenauer .
9 The ‘ drift into a law and order society ’ which Hall identifies did not by any means begin with the accession to power of the Conservative Party under Mrs Thatcher in 1979 , and its effects have hardly disappeared with her resignation in 1990 , but the ideology made its presence most felt in her heyday in the early to mid-1990s ( see Chapter 10 ) .
10 The Scottish Law Commission , also chaired by a judge , became deeply involved in the debate on devolution , submitting memoranda particularly dealing with the distribution of powers between the United Kingdom Parliament and the proposed Scottish Assembly .
11 Queen Anne died a year after the signing of the Treaty of Utrecht , which had brought to an end a cycle of wars which , while primarily concerned with the balance of power in Europe , had given English governments an opportunity to take colonies away from other European countries and increase their empire by annexation as well as by settlement .
12 These gains were the by-products of a war fought mainly for reasons connected with the balance of power in Europe , but they were attractive enough to encourage the British to think about further involvement outside Europe .
13 In replying , Poulantzas ritually warns that these matters depend to some degree on the particular conjuncture — the extent to which the state can act autonomously varies with the balance of power within the class struggle .
14 Defined as the " executive apparatus of presidential authority " ; headed by a Premier chosen by and reporting to the President , and comprising around 15 heads of ministries and departments in charge of " those spheres of government assigned to the Union in keeping with the allocation of powers between the Union and the republics " , plus the heads of republican governments ; replaced the 69-member Council of Ministers , responsible directly to the Supreme Soviet .
15 Tough standards of energy efficiency are perfectly possible to introduce , together with a combination of power from wind , solar , hydro , biofuels , and geothermal ( heat from rocks ) sources .
16 Scotland answered with a show of power in the scrum which lead to an 11th minute try by captain Andy Nicol .
17 Faced with a loss of power in 1988 , party officials made increasing use of what remained for their own personal gain .
18 At one extreme were the countries characterized as majoritarian on both dimensions : in both the United Kingdom and New Zealand , for example , power is concentrated into the majority party ; n a two-party ( or virtually so ) system , where rule occurs without a written constitution and with no dispersal of power to subsidiary governments .
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