Example sentences of "with [art] [noun sg] [prep] [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In the second situation , A and B are charged with the offence in circumstances where one or other of them acting alone must have done it , since there is no evidence they acted together .
2 This is in stark contrast with the majority of Mbuna where male and female are generally about the same size .
3 More than usually generous credit terms may have to be offered , and although we did not allow for introductory discounts in our example , these may have to be offered to induce custom , with the degree of generosity perhaps varying by assessment of likelihood of payment and repeat orders .
4 With the degree of mechanisation now found many of the hours claimed would be seasonal .
5 Fortunately dietary intervention from before conception seems to have a favourable influence on outcome , which seems to be closely associated with the degree of hyperphenylalaninaemia very early in gestation .
6 Despite the weight of evidence linking the severity of impairment with the degree of hyperphenylalaninaemia there remain some difficulties in interpreting the data .
7 BRITAIN 's first Sunday jumps meeting proved a winner with the public at Cheltenham yesterday — but the prospect of a proper on-course market still looks light years away .
8 The most rapid decline in employment among elderly people has come about since the Second World War , with the proportion of men over 65 in employment falling from 30 per cent to 10 per cent between 1951 and 1981 , although , because of a rise in married women 's employment , the proportion of the female population over 60 in employment was about the same in 1981 ( 8 per cent ) as in 1951 .
9 GEC Marconi , which employs 3,500 people in Simon Burns ' Chelmsford constituency , signs contracts with the Ministry of Defence rather than Swan Hunter .
10 With the release of Anderson only two Western hostages remained in Lebanon , German aid workers Thomas Kemptner and Heinrich Strubig , who had both been kidnapped in May 1989 [ see p. 36671 ] .
11 The Steward 's staff seem to have heard a rumour about his being out of favour with the War Office , but he seemed a most efficient and kindly gentleman to us , with the welfare of children very much at heart .
12 Her packet full of 1965 hits , ‘ I 'll Stop At Nothing ’ , ‘ Long Live Love ’ , ‘ Message Understood ’ and ‘ How Can You Tell ’ , displayed a singer of some passion , a voice with the depth of soul far removed from the shrill chirpiness of Cilla Black or the bubbly fun-packed discotheque shouting of Lulu .
13 Gilbert , with the edge of terror still in his voice , was talking to keep himself sane ; and the others were listening to try and make sense of the nightmare in which they found themselves .
14 The normal angle of attack for a driver is level with the ball at impact below , but a topped shot is a steep swing down on top of the ball ( bottom ) .
15 I also asked him to get in touch with the FAA in Washington so that they , as the airworthiness authority which originally certified the aircraft type as airworthy , could take appropriate action by informing the airworthiness authorities of all the States in the world that operated those aircraft .
16 The head who described this process pointed to two matters of importance : " I wanted a systematic curriculum with the sharing of opportunities fully understood by parents and staff , and with the pastoral organization of the school running smoothly alongside the curriculum scheme . "
17 He became impatient with the pace of work there , and moreover felt that gas warfare was unlikely to be used , and so he obtained a post as a superintendent of explosives research at the Armament Research Department in 1942 .
18 On July 4 the conference approved a proposal for a referendum in Eritrea in 1993 , with the port of Assab meanwhile being declared a free port .
19 We 're going ahead with the presentation of prizes now . ’
20 But to go with the slur of murder still upon him , and always the threat of pursuit and capture ?
21 Carew 's bleak diagnosis can hardly have been uninfluenced by several decades of mounting concern at the impermanence of non-agricultural employment compared with the stability of farmers fully occupied tending their land , and men continuously employed as servants in husbandry engaged for a year at a time .
22 We hope that those to whom this report is addressed — educationalists , parents , and those concerned with the provision of resources centrally and locally [ but not real teachers ? ] — will consider how far the standards of performance revealed , are acceptable …
23 We hope that those to whom this report is addressed — educationalists , parents , and those concerned with the provision of resources centrally and locally [ but not real teachers ? ] — will consider how far the standards of performance revealed , are acceptable …
24 Even the case from this period that was included in the Black report ( with the year of diagnosis wrongly given as 1983 rather than 1984 ) was diagnosed after concern had been raised about the high incidence in Seascale .
25 I am in the possession of a number of splendid suits , kindly passed on to me over the years by Lord Darlington himself , and by various guests who have stayed in this house and had reason to be pleased with the standard of service here .
26 He acted with his usual promptitude , and a papal legate had arrived in England with the pallium before Anselm even knew of the king 's decision .
27 There 's the often quoted comparison with our compatriots overseas that it 's cheaper to go overseas than stay at home , but I think , you know , with the range of accommodation , with the range of holidays now available in this country , I think the industry itself is competing very well and that the more and more people who find that they have n't yet discovered Britain will do so this year .
28 For all these people the first Sunday of Lent marked the time when Bishop Brewer , in the name of the Church , called them to journey with the Church towards Easter when they will be baptised , or received into full communion with the Church .
29 with the problem of hunger still in evidence in LDCs , some Third World governments have turned to other strategies to make the best use of resources and organise distribution , the onus being on distribution as much as production .
30 The Formalist strategy for dealing with the problem of definition not only had the virtue of ensuring that literature could not be reduced to anything else , but proved also to be immensely productive in the elaboration of every aspect of Formalist theory .
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