Example sentences of "with [adj] [noun sg] of [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But even with that clutch of reasons to be glassy-eyed , I 've stayed almost sober for an entire month , sitting miserably at the bar wondering why low-alcohol lager has an after-taste like floor polish , and disturbing old friends with the rapt attention I give to such enquiries as : ‘ Ice and lemon in your tonic water , sir ? ’
2 I must admit , with that amount of bubbles in bo look at your toes peeping out through the bubbles .
3 But soon the colleges came to grips with Little Shop of Horrors as a topic for campus debate the world over , and they decided that Corman was telling them that he was not trying to hide the fact that it was a cheaply made film — this was the one he shot in two days — but he was n't trying to pass it off as serious movie-making either .
4 Antiracism seems very comfortable with this idea of blacks as victims .
5 Terrestrial ages determined on Antarctic chondrites ( the most abundant type of meteorite found throughout the world , see Box 2 ) range from about 1000 to 700 000 years , with some clustering of ages in the range of 300 000 to 600 000 years .
6 The next four chapters are all concerned with some aspect of systems of representation — in reading , writing , computation , and pictorial representation .
7 SOLOISTS and the massed voices of the Association of Irish Musical Societies will again be ‘ raising the roof ’ of the Ulster Hall , Belfast , with another selection of Songs from the Shows ( UTV , 10.40pm ) .
8 With appropriate allocation of profits from year to year the company partner could be used as a means of building up partnership capital at the more favourable tax rate .
9 Methodologically , it is not possible for any researcher to get the kids to talk with much sense of ideas since the question ‘ Why ? ’ to the smashing of milk bottles is one that is not possible for the boy to answer outside the context of the whole Saturday evening …
10 Although the tone was generally optimistic , with much talk of prospects for greater regional co-operation , there were allusions in speeches to the enduring sources of conflict between the six states .
11 However enlightened our investors might be , they were not always convinced we would return from improbable places with improbable footage of expeditions for which no insurance company would dream of covering us .
12 Such a policy would have to be in conjunction with better policing of regions by park patrols and resident ecologists .
13 I have also killed some beautiful albatrosses , petrels , ducks etc. and four nests with full compliment of eggs of the Black Oystercatcher , small and large gulls , a Teal etc. besides a nest with young of the Emu Wren and other minor things .
14 Expenditure cuts of 3.5 per cent across the board were proposed , along with reduced linking of pensions to inflation .
15 According to a doctor with considerable experience of cases of dyslexia , the boy was ‘ moderately dyslexic , but the effects … are offset by his exceptionally high IQ which means that those effects are modified but not eliminated … .
16 I came to London with one set of thoughts about universality and triteness .
17 I came to London with one set of thoughts about universality and triteness .
18 Near Teheran primroses come in many colours while here in Britain you very occasionally find one with double flowers , or with one set of petals inside another .
19 Disney said yesterday it had reached a settlement with one group of contractors for an undisclosed sum .
20 Now with living proof of patients like Michael , and researchers evidence it 's hoped that any doubts doctors may have had about penicillin will dissapear .
21 The efficiency of grid-referenced PCR , reflected in the screening multiple , therefore declines with increasing prevalence of positives within the samples .
22 Influencing the attitudes of staff working in the local careers advice service by ensuring that they are provided with up-to-date information of developments in nursing and someone from whom they can seek assistance .
23 Once you really start to think of the components that can be changed in a room without too much ado you can come up with any number of ideas for a change of style , or more important , for adding style where none existed before .
24 A function may be defined with any number of parameters of any type , and may return ( using = ) a string or numeric result .
25 A procedure may be defined with any number of parameters of any type .
26 Even before the end of the seventeenth century James II , in exile in France , had advised his son , should he ever rule in England , to have a single minister with undivided control of relations with other states .
27 I once had to step out of the water with stone of weights on me , and it was then I resolved to diet .
28 There are probably too many official visiting bodies concerned with external monitoring of standards of service .
29 The members of the department follow three distinct approaches to the New Testament , with continuous interchange of ideas in weekly seminars and readings of Greek literature contemporary with the New Testament .
30 Public sector workers tried to hit at the state with minimum disruption of services to consumers .
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